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  1. Burgerbarbaby

    ***Papercop gig this Friday***

    !ninjaaaa !ninjaaaa !ninjaaaa !ninjaaaa Hiyaa Due to a booking cancellation in the International for this Friday, Papercop will be playing a gig. It will be €5 admission, and will start early, probably around 7. We'll be playing music and dj'ing for as long as we can. If you're going...
  2. Burgerbarbaby

    Ministry gig....relive your mis-spent youth

    Got a text this morning saying that Ministry are playing in the Musick Centre on June 27th, and the tickets will be 23 Euro.
  3. Burgerbarbaby

    Storehouse please?

    Ahoy hoy! Anyone going to the Storehouse thing tonight? A friend of mine is looking for tickets for her and her mates, and she is stumped. Anyone going? Anyone know anything about it? Most importantly, has anyone got 7 (well, I have to try!) tickets that they don't want? Help gratefully...
  4. Burgerbarbaby

    Speedy Birthday

    Happy birthday Speed Racer!
  5. Burgerbarbaby

    We got a bigger problem now
  6. Burgerbarbaby

    Room wanted, yo

    Hi. I'm looking for a room for a girl who has just started work in the office I'm working in. She seems pretty nice, and she is in serious need of a room. If you think you can help, please pm me. Bryan
  7. Burgerbarbaby

    ******Digipack advice******

    Howiyz this fine braw morning. I have need of some advice if anyone can help. I am looking to price cd digipacks, and would like to know about people's experiences with them. I'm currently researching them on the netterweb, but if there are any companies which people have used and really...
  8. Burgerbarbaby

    File sharing/Mp3's

    To anybody else who likes to get music from the net for nothing: What do you download from now that Soulseek is no more? Please don't say Bearshare or Neonapster cos they're really bad. And Kazaalite ain't much better. B
  9. Burgerbarbaby

    Where's the Rant?

    I was just wondering if anyone is writing stuff in a Thumped stylee these days. I mean a bored in work thread is all very well and good, but there's plenty of times when reading a good long scathing review or insulting portrait is more fun than lamely trying to recycle some old witticism (I'm...
  10. Burgerbarbaby

    Drummer wanted, short or long term

    Jesus, does nobody play drums in the city? Seriously, drums are way more fun than guitar. Play drums. For god's sake. This is my request: A good singer-songwriter is looking for a drummer to play at a gig very shortly to launch his ep. The stuff is well written and melodic, and simple...
  11. Burgerbarbaby

    Don't throw rocks at my door

    Anybody else check Count Tornado last night? Wasn't he brilliant? I haven't seen so much enthusiasm in one person for ages, and he had the Ian Curtis dance off to a t, which was cool too. And the cape. Anybody know him or know anything about him? He mentioned a website...
  12. Burgerbarbaby

    Dead Kennedys.......I'm confused

    I've been throwing an idea for a few days now about a gig to be run on the same night (in June I think) as the DK's gig. The idea was that it would be something similar to the AC/DC night, loads of bands, each playing one DK's song. The promotion/posters etc would contain an address to a website...
  13. Burgerbarbaby

    Oh there it is....

    Thank Chroist yizzer back, I missed you all. Anyway. To cut a long story short, El Diablo is playing in the M**** C*****, Temple Bar on Thursday, it being the occasion of the launch of 23rd Psalm Cafe, the new album. So to continue, the Connect Four Orchestra are also playing, nuff said, and...
  14. Burgerbarbaby

    Animation question

    Could anyone tell me how to get animated frames up on my I.D. picture? I want to get the goat moving. Courtesy of "Nothing Better To Do" Inc.
  15. Burgerbarbaby

    **Schroeder's Cat gig**

    Happy New Year... Howdy. This is just to remind you: The first Schroeder's Cat show of 2001 will take place on the evening of Wednesday, Jan 10 in the Shelter at Vicar St., with Dacianos. The show will comprise of a 33 minute instrumental, "2001 seconds", written specially for the occasion.