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  • Users: jane
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  1. jane

    The banks even more fucked up today

    Cool, can I be a lady James Agee? We can call me Jane WithGee.
  2. jane

    The banks even more fucked up today

    I like to think of us as the sort of thing you would see if the Borghese family settled their scores on Jerry Springer. Like a John Cheever story with less yachting and more latent aggression. The Contessa's okay, just a bit overbearing. She had to come up and fix the boiler on Christmas Eve...
  3. jane

    The Fighting thread.

  4. jane

    The Fighting thread.

    Read the thread. That was my joke just five posts up, a joke which I half ripped off of CuntySickness. Cunt.
  5. jane

    The Fighting thread.

    Only a cunt would say that. Cunt.
  6. jane

    The Fighting thread.

    That's more like it. You cunts.
  7. jane

    Bleedin Habitat

    True. And I guess the Irish diaspora could be read as just one Anschluss after another. But in cafes in Vienna, they will bring a pretty silver dish of water for your dog.
  8. jane

    The banks even more fucked up today

    We could stay with my dad in Italy probably, although the Contessa wouldn't be happy about it, and he's already been evicted from his church because he doesn't hate the gays. True story. There wouldn't be any point staying in Dublin when we'd be better off going somewhere cheaper, and there...
  9. jane

    The banks even more fucked up today

    A friend of mine who is job hunting in the US was saying that maybe we'll get a 21st-century New Deal, but that she didn't know the first thing about building railroads. And then I reminded her that the people who build the railroads know the people whose job it is to 'tooooot tooooot' the train...
  10. jane

    Bleedin Habitat

    Yeah, but are they going to bring in some proper Austrians to make proper coffee the Viennese way, or is it going to taste, as a friend of mine once put it, "like a brown crayon"? The only problem with having a Viennese-style cafe in Dublin is that we couldn't be more unlike Vienna.
  11. jane

    The banks even more fucked up today

    ...knew there were eerie parallels between the 1920s and the 2000s, but christ almighty -- so fucking terrifying. Because what's happening now is *worse*. Plus, half the world is at war with each other. Before this is all over, there will be more Madoffs and more Anglo-Irish scandals and the...
  12. jane

    The banks even more fucked up today

    I dunno. We're still hoping for the best. But me sitting at home trying to get people to look at my CV all day and dealing with rude people who give out to me for bothering them? Not a good environment for creating positivity or hope for the best.
  13. jane

    The banks even more fucked up today

    CRAI Anyone recently buy a new fridge? Can we have the box? I need work. If one more person tells me to look at fucking I will snap. There's nothing on there except jobs in meat rendering and toilet attending. And promotions girls, for which I am too old, too fat, and...
  14. jane

    Office-Speak phrases you hate

    "Is it too big an ask for you to put your pants back on?"
  15. jane

    Office-Speak phrases you hate

    "Get off my lawn."
  16. jane


    You can walk it, you know. But the thing is, if you walk it, the thing you have to fear and loathe most is not people making fun of you. Oh no, that would be too easy. It will be people fucking cheering you in a really patronising fashion. People standing there going, "Good job! You're doing...
  17. jane

    acceptable or not?

    A/S/L? Show him this thread.