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  1. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Went to see Dylan Moran in Vicar St last night. 1st half was terrific, as per usual, but 2nd was a bit of a train wreck. He couldn't remember any of the material and didn't want to admit defeat and get his notes out. So he just started trying to riff with the audience, Daire O Briain style, but...
  2. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    REJECTED for the free money for rocking Goverment scheme. Bah.
  3. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Top tip I got from Emmaline out of Engine Alley who is now an amazing dog trainer. Anything you don't want the dog to chew, like a cable or a chair leg etc., rub some vics vaporub on it. They hate it, seemingly.
  4. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Was in Spain for me holliers, never dropped below 32, real feel was always 36/37. On the coast though, so never humid really, just *hot*. On the day we were leaving Spain they introduced a new law, to combat the energy crisis, that AC units cannot be set lower than 27 degrees. It kicked in on...
  5. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Wordle 356 5/6 ⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 🟨⬜🟨⬜🟨 ⬜⬜🟨🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  6. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Egg is a poo head
  7. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Grand, will tell the Dudley Fan Army to stand down...
  8. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Oh, that's surprisingly nasty of you, egg. Thanks!
  9. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    You know what, I just went to read my first article on this, and in the first paragraph one of the jurors said the jury believed Depp did beat her, but didn't like that she lied about donating money. Immediately stopped reading, fuck this entire bastard of a shit show. People are terrible.
  10. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Having no idea of the case myself I'm quite happy to stfu and assume she's been screwed here, seeing as that's what almost has always happened in the history of forever and ever.
  11. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    The second Mrs Draper
  12. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    omg. It's NO, man. Always been NO
  13. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Very pleased to hear Lauren Laverne put the record straight on the great noh-twist/no-twist pronunciation debate this morning. Been fighting a lone battle on that one for years
  14. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    smoke it?
  15. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Low the last time out was one of the greatest things I've ever seen. Be worth a month in traction...
  16. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Yeah, those Low moshpits mightn't be best place for a jiggered back
  17. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

  18. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    I'm in good company
  19. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Have damaged my glute (arse) on the treadmill. Seriously painful. Ice on the buttcheek for 20 minutes every 3 hours.
  20. dudley

    Minor complaints thread

    Thoughts and prayers