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  1. Primitive

    Thumped Christmas Party 2017 - Drop Dead Twice Taproom, 15th December

    Well chuffed to be able to offer the venue & cheers to Chris for putting it all together.
  2. Primitive

    New Venue in Dublin Drop Dead Twice Taproom

    During my time as a promoter I have guaranteed any bands I've booked a certain amount if requested. I respect the work & commitment of any band & I do my best to accommodate them & cover all expenses incurred. Having said that I'm not promoting an act here, I'm booking for a new venue which has...
  3. Primitive

    [Oct 20, 2017] Shrug Life “¯\_(ツ)_/¯” Album Launch (The Grand Social Ballroom)

    This Friday folks. Already been hailed as one of the best Irish albums of 2017 by The Thin Air.
  4. Primitive

    New Venue in Dublin Drop Dead Twice Taproom

    I'd be well up for it
  5. Primitive

    New Venue in Dublin Drop Dead Twice Taproom

    It's a cocktail bar upstairs, you bring the booze & they make you cocktails. Works out a hell of alot cheaper then buying cocktails in a boozer for the night.
  6. Primitive

    New Venue in Dublin Drop Dead Twice Taproom

    Cheers for all the positive vibes from some folks on this tread. I understand Ann's situation but I also understand my situation as a promoter too. I'm sure some Independent promoters in Dublin are very successful but I know from my point of view I lose more money then I make. It's not that I...
  7. Primitive

    New Venue in Dublin Drop Dead Twice Taproom

    Ann, I can understand your concerns about playing gigs. I've been a Independent promoter in Dublin on & off for the past 12 years & believe me when I say I don't do it for the love of money. Wrong game to be in if you want to make cash. When promoting a show my one concern is always that all...
  8. Primitive

    New Venue in Dublin Drop Dead Twice Taproom

    Don't shoot the messenger Ann
  9. Primitive

    New Venue in Dublin Drop Dead Twice Taproom

    Apologies if I'm posting this in the wrong section of the Forum? I’ll be taking over the bookings for Dublin’s newest venue, Drop Dead Twice Taproom on Francis Street Dublin. Venue capacity is 150. We can also offer a standard backline which is always a bonus, Drumkit/2 Guitar Amps/1 Bass plus...
  10. Primitive

    Suggestions for where a band with no audience might launch an album

    The new owners are only taking over the bar from this coming Monday so I'm sure the previous owners are allowing the kegs to run down & beer selection/ Try it again in the coming weeks & I'm sure you'll find it more favorable.
  11. Primitive

    Suggestions for where a band with no audience might launch an album

    Bar is been upgraded, new craft beer selection, cocktails & so on. The whole interior has also been upgraded. Looks fantastic inside now.
  12. Primitive

    Suggestions for where a band with no audience might launch an album

    It is Ernesto on Francis street. Same venue.
  13. Primitive

    Suggestions for where a band with no audience might launch an album

    I believe the open jam session is still going on a Wednesday Hermie for the moment.
  14. Primitive

    Suggestions for where a band with no audience might launch an album

    I'll be taking over the bookings for Stage 19 within the next couple of days Egg & I'm sure we can accommodate the launch. Previously I've run gigs there myself with a varied line up including Jogging, Guilty Optics, Nome King, Extravision, Girlfriend without any issue regarding noise level. I...