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  1. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    Yeah, you'll get a great meal out of that gear. I usually cook a big joint of meat at the weekends, so I have loads left for noodles and stir fries during the week. Fuck it all into a pot and walk away.
  2. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    Foie Not that salty at all in my experience.
  3. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    I have a fundamental objection to this. There is already a fucking salad bar for people that want salad. The main station shouldn't be salad too. It's raining. I want something hot.
  4. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    I always throw out those sachets. They are wicked salty to my tastes. I have rakes of my own stock so I just throw the noodles in that and add my own spices and garlic.
  5. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    California wrap with pasta salad Probably going to bin the pasta
  6. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    ????? Homemade? What's in that?
  7. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    Only buy noodles in an Asian supermarket.
  8. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    I know her. And she's sound.
  9. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    You have like a hipster sixth sense. A hipster whisperer.
  10. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    Can someone answer this question? I feel that @johnnystress is very qualified to do so.
  11. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    The only time I would eat crisps is in a pub if I was starving and they had no other food.
  12. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    I don't know where that foie gras thing came from. But it's staying.
  13. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    Fucking love foie gras Sometimes at the movies. But I get there so early, that nothing is left by the time the film starts. I don't see the point. I usually just bring a large contraband black coffee in. Ninja style.
  14. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    Hashed up some pork shoulder with a scrambled egg and smoked paprika. Chicken parm for lunch. Ordering lamb for dinner right now. Lots of coffee all day. I don't snack.
  15. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    Jesus Christ. You all eat like schoolboys.
  16. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    The all-carb diet. You need to be studied.
  17. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    That woman is, quite simply, keeping you alive.
  18. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    People are eating far more crisps than I would have thought
  19. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    Unless you had a child's birthday party in your house yesterday, I'm worried about you.
  20. 7 - No tomorrow

    What do you take for lunch at work

    Good God.