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  1. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    Andy Samberg is married to Joanna Newsom and has been for years. I'll have to save that for a pub quiz or something.
  2. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    my first aid course didn't cover clamping. But yes kids, generally: Less bleeding=better chance of survival. Stem the bleeding, whatever way you can. That usually means a tourniquet and/or gravity. Don't underestimate gravity. But clamping though? That's some crazy yankee shit.
  3. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    You're a bit late, I bled to death weeks ago. Yeah everything you've said is good advice. I am a first aider, which is useful but inconsequential usually. and some people are quite shocked by how blasé me and those like me are when it comes to these things. The thing is, we're not blasé at...
  4. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    I was hoovering at work today and the hose got blocked. Co-worker, the boss' son, who's a lovely clever lad went, "Haven't you tried this?" He undid the hose, rammed the nose bit into the hoover where the tail end would normally go, and it sucked whatever was blocking the hose back out and...
  5. S

    Things I should have known before now... There isn't really a traditional Irish type of cheese. Cashel Blue is a fairly new thing. Every other type of cheese is an idea imported from elsewhere. I would have thought there'd be some kind of old timey distinctly Irish...
  6. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    Yeah, nothing actually that serious. I sliced a bit of my finger with some cut steel. Literally, all I did was walk past and just brushed against it with my hand. The kind of cut where you're looking at it thinking "wow, that's taking a long time to start bleeding, but when it does...." Health...
  7. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    A disposable face mask makes quite a good finger bandage. Wrap it around the affected area, break the elastic ear bit and use that to secure it and create compression. Then I wrapped it in PVC tape, but I guess not everyone has that lying around. I mean, 16 months ago I wouldn't have had face...
  8. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    Isn't England such a very quirky eccentric place like that. The missus said this morning: "It's st. Georges day tomorrow. I'm actually quite in favour of dragons".
  9. S

    Things I should have known before now... I'd never heard of this guy. Just such a long list of people his recorded with. I've surely seen him live a couple of times.
  10. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    Pretty sure I complained. I remember I genuinely thought about watching the gig in Glasgow as it would be cheaper than watching the show a couple of miles up the road. In fairness, ticket prices in Ireland for those big shows were all going completely bonkers back then.
  11. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    Gaybo is as seedy as a parish priest in that clip.
  12. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    Dunno where else to put this. It's weird seeing the famous Kathleen.
  13. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    Still available here I'm sure? There's various iterations. White Lightning, Lightning Ace etc. Dangerous stuff. Literally lethal.
  14. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    I went off on my Wiki's and indeed she's not alone. "The song's resemblance to some of Neil Young's work aroused some controversy. "I know that virtually everyone, on first hearing, assumed it was Neil", Bunnell says. "I never fully shied away from the fact that I was inspired by him. I think...
  15. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    The song "Horse with no name" was actually by a band called America, and not, as I always assumed, by 10cc. I don't know why I thought it was a 10cc song. Also, I'm fairly sure I have never heard anything else from or about the band America. That's a good 30+ years of being completely wrong...
  16. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    That'll replace the whale in my nightmares.
  17. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    I should clarify here. I was working with a dude who is rarely wrong about anything, in a good way, he's quite clever. It was raining so he told me to move the radio to somewhere more sheltered. I moved it into what was a big steel structure that was being welded together. The radio fell over...
  18. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    Actually it was AM radio
  19. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    Today I learned: What a brisket is exactly. Fatty goodness if you must know. Also, I learned from experience what a Faraday Cage is or does. It turns FM radios into theremins, amongst other things. I don't really know the science of it, Wikipedia is not enough. Before today, if "Faraday Cage"...
  20. S

    Things I should have known before now...

    classic seanc.