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  • Users: taubstumm
  • Content: Threads
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  1. T

    half-a-millionth post

    from the front page... pete, special prize for whoever makes the half-a-millionth post, ok?
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    blog question

    hi... i'm setting up wordpress on a website at the moment. it's going quite well so far. however, i've hit a snag trying to upload images through the admin interface (i.e. trying to put pictures into a blog post). the post goes up fine, but when i try to upload images, i get this: so, no...
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    you are the generation that bought more shoes and you get what you deserve... the name of a song by a band called johnny boy. i've only just heard it for the first time, but i think they were/are a hyped-up n.m.e.-type band from about a year ago. anyone care to enlighten me? anyway, what a fantastic song. in one way, i'm worried to try and find out anything...
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    berlin-based band on conspiracy records... drums/bass/saxophone/laptop. saw them recently, great stuff... anyone else heard them? new album just came out, mp3 here, go get.
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    world cup tickets

    not a joke thread. i'm in germany, and i'm gonna be here for quite a while. how do i get tickets for world cup matches? according to the official site, i've missed the boat. any other methods?
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    pointless discussion about the dublin riot

    do you reckon the media (and people who like to bicker on internet messageboards) will get as much mileage out of this as they did about the muhammed-as-suicide-bomber cartoons?
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    computer doing strange things. possibly a virus. help!

    for some reason, pressing ctrl-alt-delete isn't working on my laptop. when i do it, nothing happens. is that normal under any circumstances? i thought that it was some strange once-off quirk, so i restarted a couple of times, and it still wasn't working. so i decided to do a spyware...
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    this thread will change your life

    while sitting at your desk, or whatever it is you sit at, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles. now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand. your foot will change direction. yes indeed.
  9. T

    backing up data

    nerd thread alert. i have a laptop and an external hard drive, and between the two of them, there's a load of stuff - music, films, documents, all that kinda stuff - that i want to put safely away. by 'put safely away', i mean that i want to be able to go along ten years from now and drag...
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    please add one fact to the list

    george formby received a stalin prize in 1944, prompted by the popularity of his films in the ussr.
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    amp repair in dublin

    anyone got any details? specifically for bass amp repair... who, where, how much, how good, how long will it take, etc. thanks.
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    did you ever stop to think that your name is an anagram of 'nerd bra'?
  13. T

    therapy? - troublegum - appreciation thread

    yes indeed! mid-90s major-label pop-metal! a surprisingly good album! i got it in the tower sale on cd - my original tape copy is probably in an attic somewhere. pros: - still perfectly listenable - mmm, well-crafted hooks - some great stop-start riffs and stuff - even the design and...
  14. T

    new year's eve! oak!

    party! with oak! and other bands! in a house! you know the one! where the last party was! no, not that one! yeah, the other one! pm for details! more to be added to this thread later on today as well!
  15. T

    parts of me that go 'click'

    - big toe (left foot) - knees (when crouching, or in cold weather, or both, i suppose) - hip (occasionally, usually after falling asleep on the couch, waking up, and trying to get up off the couch)
  16. T

    constitutional question

    warning! big post. this all arises from michael mcdowell's ongoing antics. (but the thread isn't about him directly, or at least it's not intended to be a thread where people give out about him. so, hush, ranters.) i was wondering about the whole justification he's offering for his...
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    irish ferries threatens to cut redundancy payments. again.

  18. T

    another atp question

    me and my palz are flying in to heathrow. then we're getting the tube into ____________ station in central london. then we're getting the regional train going from ____________ station to rye. fill that blank, folks!
  19. T

    xsteox - do you pronounce your name "ex-tee-ox"?

    because, in my head, i do