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  1. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    "That's not even music" That was a heckle I got in Ballina. They may have had a point to be fair.
  2. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    You had to ruin it.
  3. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    So much to love there, dead dogs, trains, fox hunts interrupted. Brilliant. Here's a cat not giving a fuck about fox hunting Yeah, right on!!!
  4. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    You're worried about the price of car insurance ?
  5. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    All my sex dreams involve robots and castration. My Robot is a total cunt though so it's not that weird.
  6. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Hadn't noticed your signature Bring back rep.
  7. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    High Five!!!!!
  8. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    I'm a refugee from a failed state. There's a difference.
  9. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    That's an hour from where I live now and right near where peep show is filmed. What a shit TV tour that would be.
  10. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

  11. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    If you like Rugby you're a tourist.
  12. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Born in Dublin 2 raised between 8 and 24. All the big hitters.
  13. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    You live in Dublin 8 I was partly raised there. No one gives a fuck except the tourists.
  14. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    No one gives a fuck in Dublin 8.
  15. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    For fuck sake!!! It's Dublin not fucking Lagos.
  16. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    I was in The Workmans during the summer (I think) 2 years ago when a choir came in and did an impromptu performance at closing time. It was fucking class, surround sound choral tunes. The bouncers eventually ruined it though.
  17. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    I went to see a Brahms concert in the Royal Albert Hall last night. A friend of mine was in the choir. Serious pleasure in it's self but not only that (oh no!!) I recognised that the opening piece was Beethoven not Brahms. Spent the rest of the night congratulating myself silently. The whole...
  18. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Jesus I am going to be fucking awesome looking when i'm 40. Especially when you consider what i looked like at 20. Fucking grim. Mandy Patinkin Jesus christ!!
  19. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Don't forget beards, getting better looking with age better, muscle structure, Thicker veins in the legs. Men we're fucking brilliant
  20. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Wait wrong thread. Still though. Lowest of the low.