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  1. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    pete; did you bring back rep just so you could de-rep me ? That's Genius.
  2. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    No I'm a flaming capitalist actually.
  3. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    You big flaming capitalist.
  4. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Is capitalism not directly responcible for your brunch ?
  5. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

  6. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Fraid not, States only, but, my lovely lady ordered me 18 cans from the internet for my birthday. I've been drinking it every time I visit her in the Britland. Alas the final can has disappeared down my gullet now
  7. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Just drank my last can though. Still.
  8. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    The sun is nearly down so I can leave the house without being turned to ash. *Washingcattle is not a vampire but does sunburn quickly and to extremes.
  9. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    American snacks are fucking insane. Like eating a whole pack of buffalo hunky dorys in each bite. Insane. I'm having a cup of tea.
  10. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    The next problem is now waiting in your bowel sir.
  11. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    They are special aren't they ? Only problem is that I can never get through a full pack on my own.
  12. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Fists with your toes.
  13. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Finished work, wine bought and in the fridge, about to have the longest shower in history.
  14. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    The juice of four whole pimps, always pure never from mo'fuckin concentrate ya feel me ?
  15. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    You have to order it from the states but it's fucking class, like sugar diluted with sugar.
  16. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    I too am having a drink, and hopefully a Werner Herzog fest, then a sandwich then bed.
  17. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    The "special offer" day of sell by date section of Tescos.
  18. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    Made a deadly sinner. Then ate it.
  19. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

  20. washingcattle

    Minor Pleasures

    One of your bands ? how many bands douyou have ?