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  1. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Reread: Bought this when it came out, pleasantly surprised that it won the Costa Book Award outright earlier this week.
  2. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I wonder is that the same Ian Gibson who wrote The Shameful Life of Salvador Dalí? Lashings (pun intended) of sexual guilt theories in that too as I recall... Edit: It is, yeah:
  3. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Ha! I'll have to track that one down. Fenton was a war correspondent for a while, so he probably knows how to take care of himself in sticky situations.
  4. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    The other night I reread: Joycean. The Joyce of 'Penelope'. Last night: Ti-tum ti-tum ti-tum ti-tum ti-tum. Ho hum. Currently rereading: Comico-eroto-gastro-politico bildungsroman. Erm... Bohumil Hrabal was a genius, Czech him out if you haven't already. Failing miserably to read...
  5. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Beautifully written short short stories about absolutely nothing. Been reading this off and on for a while now, hope to finish it this weekend. Recent article on him:
  6. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    That's an amazing book. An amazingly fucked-up book. I remember finding it in the library in college and reading it when I should have been revising for something-or-other. Last night I read: Like the cover says. Some meta-chuckles to be had.
  7. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Read too much of this last night. Picked it up in Borders closing down sale for €1. Contains Banville's "I hate everything I've ever written" interview.
  8. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Bought the Belle & Sebastian one yesterday second-hand for 7 euro. It's such a gorgeous looking book isn't it? I agree with you in the main about music books not being 'proper' books. There are some exceptions though. Notably: and
  9. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Haha. "...a spoonful of maple syrup helps the medicine go down"? Funny you should mention that term, 'passive agressive', in a way that's the sort of approach the authors recommend for the left: traditional electoral politics rather than radical action. Personally I thought their ideas held up...
  10. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Finished this yesterday:
  11. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Thanks for the link. The interview is alright, not terribly informative (but interviews with writers seldom are). Veers into Smash Hits-type banality at times: "Do you have a dog?", "Do you have a girlfriend?" etc. Probably not all Birnbaum's fault though.
  12. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    He writes himself into his novels too, doesn't he? I think you told me about this before. They're all at it nowadays of course. Douglas Coupland does it in his new one apparently. Thing is, Vonnegut was parodying this lazy-ass device 30-odd years ago.
  13. St. Fechin

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Due to insomnia I read 'Lunar Park' by Bret Easton Ellis. THIS JUST IN: Writer writes book about writing! With fictionalized version of self-same writer as main character/narrator! Revolutionary! "Bret, with these hackneyed post-modernisms you are really spoiling us." (Or maybe that's the...