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  • Users: hanley
  • Content: Threads
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  1. hanley

    Happy birthday Mary Harney

    53 today
  2. hanley

    online photo hosting?

    could someone recomend an online photo hosting thing? a friend of mine is travelling around at the moment and was asking me for a site to host her pictures. preferably one that will resize them to a smaller file size and shit like that.and really easy to use.? thanks
  3. hanley

    vst plugins

    good breakbeat type plugin here and good glitchy plugin here if your into that kind of stuff
  4. hanley

    online betting

    today, in an effort to kill bordom at work ive started gambling online. never use normal bookies but this online shit looks like fun. ive got a euro on the the decmal point of the FTSE100 will be 7 at close business this evening anyone got any other suggestions of shit for me to bet on?
  5. hanley

    leaving a car at an airport?

    anybody know how much is costs to leave a car at an airport for a few days.4 days to be exact. and cork airport. cheers
  6. hanley

    whats the longest you can make your username

    whats the longest you can make your username if you subscribe?
  7. hanley

    Buy nothing day

    fuck that
  8. hanley

    Virus knockin around in JPEG files
  9. hanley

    Lemmy wants legal heroin
  10. hanley

    Trekkies anonymous

    Kirk vs. Pickard? ?
  11. hanley

    Wanted, keytar type keyboard

    i want a keyboard that looks like this must be cheap and working....
  12. hanley

    Ignition test for provisional

    Has anyone done the ignition test for a provisional licence? is it hard? i gotta do it one monday, so spending the week driving around holding the steering wheel with 2 hands and shit
  13. hanley

    Bored in Work 170... arrrrrr

    todays international talk like a pirate day yaaaaarh and all that shite
  14. hanley


    does anyone have any suggestions for a cheap/simple sampler?just for playing shit over and over and messing about with? thanks
  15. hanley

    take ya down the shopping centre...

    "take ya down the shopping centre and ram a fuckin trolley in ya fack ya ugly maggot fucker" said in an australian accent anybody know where that is from, i heard it in this song
  16. hanley

    Resizing images

    Can you resize an image that you stick into a post? cheers
  17. hanley

    IP address thing...

    how do you find out the IP address of someone who posts on a forum? or is this a secret type of thing?
  18. hanley

    neat randon noise thing
  19. hanley

    Unpaid leave from work?

    anybody know about entitlments for unpaid leave from work?i know civil servants are able to get it but not sure if there the only ones.
  20. hanley

    xp boot disk?

    does anyone know if you can make a boot (floppy) disk for win xp? cheers hanley