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  1. J


    Great Poster!
  2. J


    gonna try get over to this.... any sligo punx going? Alex?
  3. J

    oldschool away trip - La Fraction in Brussels

    when is thsi Conor?
  4. J

    Radical Dance Faction CDs needed to buy.

    RDF Cd's are like rockin horse shit - they go for stupid prices - 30 quids plus. it would be easier to get hold of the vinyl. I did have the first demo cassette which was ace, though it was stolen off me by Sickly Patch (yes, that was her name!)
  5. J

    Casualties Vids + Pics

    also I lost a black Carhaart (prob not spelt correctly) hoody, the cuff on the right arm is cut off, the cuff on the left arm is rags, there is a hole in left arm elbow area. I wear this bloody thing almost every day, it's like when kids have security blankets - I am very attached to it - very...
  6. J

    Casualties Vids + Pics

    jane you wouldn't play last night - all I wanted to do was Eric Morecambe & move your glasses up & down - I think you are getting tooo old now & don't remember how to have fun! this song is called Kitchen Sink Reality
  7. J


    yes please that would be rather splendid old chap
  8. J


    cool poster Mikey, have you got any hard copy actual paper ones? If so can you save one for me, cheers dude. arggh, hangin round with Ambrose for too long, using his language, man...far out...
  9. J

    Conflict + Subhumans (more tbc). saturday May 11 Button Factory

    hey U:M can you put up the stage times, for people who are travelling, who can't get there at 2pm, but sometime after, times would be appreciated, thanks
  10. J

    Conflict + Subhumans (more tbc). saturday May 11 Button Factory

    It's not unfounded it did happen. What you say did happen also, undoubtedly. Equally there where solid booked gigs where they did not turn up,I can't remember off top my head & I am talking of Northern England gigs mid-late 8o's even early 90's,but I will get details from someone with more...
  11. J

    Gigs this Friday and Saturday?

    I'm not feeling left out by not being FB, couldn't care less; but I would like someone to sabotage it & fuck it up for a day or two to see how people would cope,kids these days are addicted to it - FOMO - I read about it - fear of missing out - fuck facebook look what it's doing to the children...
  12. J

    selling lps

    I can't work out how to send a PM - (is it that 'start a conversation' bit?) but can you send me the list as well thanks
  13. J

    Gigs this Friday and Saturday?

    oh yeah this new layout is horrid, why change it, is it somehow better than the one before?
  14. J

    Gigs this Friday and Saturday?

    when are outcasts playing dublin? I don't do FB at all, I don't even look at other peoples FB, so I don't know when outcasts play dublin, only through Eirecore do I find out when gigs are happening. If you really believe in 'Fuck facebook' - don't use the fuckin thing at all, or better still...
  15. J

    Conflict + Subhumans (more tbc). saturday May 11 Button Factory

    To be fair to OLP back in the day conflict did have a bad reputation for not turning up at gigs, never mind cancelling & rescheduling. But then again so did the exploited. Last time I saw conflict to be honest in my opinion they were boring, having said that it was two nights in a row, first...
  16. J

    how were subhumans in dec at button factory? Heard they play with contrick may 11th?

    how were subhumans last december? any reviews folks? I heard they are playing May 11th with Contrick & Hardskin - is this button factory as well? anyone any news on this gig?
  17. J

    OI THE new THREAD!

    The Blood were a punk band - false gestures, then a metal band - se parere nex, but their punk stuff is definately better than the metal stuff. Their recent stuff ( 2 singles) isn't as good as false gestures I don't think. Lots of punk bands appeared on OI! albums as it was an opportunity to...
  18. J

    Sligo gigs in feb/march

    gigs at the open trades club, downstairs @ the Adelaide bar, Sligo thurs 14th Feb - nosiy coincidence - Polish experimental punk/metal with brass section. Like nomeansno a bit. Plus wisdom in graffitti - Sligo hip hop I think (this is not my gig, so not clear on details) plus mr& mrs games with...
  19. J

    Collective story zine update

    I got 30 copies printed the day before the peligro gig at bohs, thats what i could afford at the time - i ddin't want to be left with a pile of zines and be out of pocket - I thought there would be a good crowd at this gig & I could get rid of them and get my money back - which is what happened...
  20. J

    Gig in bohs, Sunday Afternoon, Dec 2nd, Peligro, Objectorz, FOTF and more

    Nice one Gary, me tape players banjaxed at moment, but can always listen to tapes in Ambys car (after throwing out the window his rolling stones tape first) See yous sunday all being well