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    at the drive in reform?

    They never split up. Took a break, yes. Worked on some side projects, yes. Said they would not be touring for the forseeable future, yes. But, split up? No.
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    has anyone heard about this? (DKs)

    New DK's singer: There was no advertising that the touring DK's did not have Jello on vocals. This caused a lot of consternation and apparently the complaints closed down AT's email for a few days. As the ex-members now own the rights to almost everything DK related, they could just stick up...
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    Tape to MP3?

    I've got stuff on tape that I want to make into MP3. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?: I got this program called Audiograbber off of that can record from a line-in source >when i play the tape great quality sound comes out of my speakers Is that your computer speakers...
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    Rock To The Max

    Bored? Check out: "That's Rockin' with a capital 'R'" - Eddie Spaghetti (Supersuckers)
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    pakistani workmate's emails to me...

    No, not all americans are baying for blood. Check out for a good perspective. He's been driving to NY since last Tuesday and posting on the way. Apparently lest than 5% of Americans have a passport! That is scary. But, I suppose it goes some way to explain why we...
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    Daemien Frost/Estel/Baseball Fury/Jape & Dr. OK

    Baseball Fury? Great name.
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    Blimey! When I saw I had 30 or so mails from you I expected dogs abuse. You've given me a warm glow(!) I'll just reiterate that I did like the city and will be back (trying to set up a tour of the emerald isle). And, finish by concurring with Peepee: Pubs ARE great.
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    Shit, shit, fuck and damn! I knew about them. Totally forgot. Next time.
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    Just back from your fair capital. I feel kinda weird about it. Don't get me wrong: I liked it a lot. Liked the people (honestly, this is not the usual bullshit) with the possible exception of the barmen who all seemed particularly surly. I just think I missed something. It seemed like...
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    Why do music-type people have websites without any sort of audio on them? I know not this Jeff Martin who you speak of, but may be up for going to see him when I come over to Dublin this weekend. I'd like to be able to hear something first, to see if I should make a definate effort to be there.
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    What's Goin' On?

    Catharsis thing sounds good. To we have a finish time? It'll be about 10pm at the earliest before we can get into the City Thursday night. While I'm on the subject, how's the staying out late situation on a Sunday? Clubs/Pubs open to v.late?
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    What's Goin' On?

    Can anyone recommend happening stuff in Dublin between the 30/8 and 3/9. I'm visiting for the first time and would like to catch some local bands. Also, if someone can point me in the direction of the cool drinking establishments I'll be well chuffed.