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  • Users: rampz
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  1. rampz

    the christmas is starting too early: the debate rages on.

    i for one think that the christmas IS starting too early. all around ballyfermot where i work people already have xmas decorations up in their gaffs. when i was a kid they went up the week before xmas. frankly i wish i could go to sleep and NEVER wake up.
  2. rampz

    bands who swap around their instruments on stage.

    e.g the arcade fire, i dont want to see that little bitch playing the drums cos shes crap. it ruins the end product. yis are very clever lads but get on with it please. instruent swapping onstage= fuck off.
  3. rampz

    the stamp collection

    did youse know that terence stamp has a range of dairy and gluten free bread and stuff? knead before zod
  4. rampz

    diary of a debutant.

    firstly, thoses privelaged kids were really really annoying. who talks like that? secondly, all the francies. thirdly, the latvian girl obviously has an ear for accents. having only lived here for 3 years and already speaks with a thick cork accent like.
  5. rampz

    gok wan. what a gent.

    definitely my current favourite tv person. hes so nice to the awful weapons he has to try and make over. makes them feel beautiful, whereas if i presented how to look good naked, id be throwing up all over the tv studio. only messin but gok is great!
  6. rampz

    do you like hobbies? ANSWER ME!

    entire episodes of Fist of Fun and This Morning with Richard not Judy to be found at this link. if yis have never seen this yis are in for a treat. I dont think its ever had a dvd release.
  7. rampz

    i see kate moss is going out with that dude from the kills now.

    he seems to be called jamie rather than hotel nowadays. he's cooler than doherty anyway, well he was until i picked up OK earlier. such nonsense really.
  8. rampz

    hingis retires cos she tested positive for cocaine.

    however, she denies ever taking it. which begs the question, how did it get in there?
  9. rampz

    the blue nile last night.

    did anyone else go? i thought this was amazing! the downtown lights particularly was one of those religious type gig experiences. boo to all the silly hecklers though.
  10. rampz

    new springsteen album

    has anyone got it? i heard it playing in a shop earlier. sounds like born to run or darkness on the edge of town, ie deadly.
  11. rampz

    suggestions for new irish manager thread.

    the herald mentioned paul jewell. is big phil scolari available?
  12. rampz

    doc martin.

    i dont know if anyone watches this on itv on mondays but wta a grumpy fucker. no gp could be that grumpy and not get struck off.
  13. rampz

    hard fi.

    i realise this is sort of obvious but has there ever been a more rubbish group than them. i mean look at them
  14. rampz

    blinded by the lights.

    am i the only person who gets totally blinded by other peoples headlights? i find it very off putting when im driving at night. is it my eyes or is it that every other fucker on the road cant be arsed dipping their lights? in the same way that nobody uses their indicators in ballyfermot when...
  15. rampz

    johnny foreigners and thier ways.

    #1: on busses 5 j fs having a loud conversation sitting each person to a double seat. ie taking up 5 double seats. acceptable during peak times in madrid or milan im sure. not intrusive or annoying at all.
  16. rampz

    dida. what a spa!

    i know the supporter was a spa too. but dida really?
  17. rampz

    pat dolan. has he lost a bit of weight?

    looked a bit slimmer than normal on setanta. so given the few pounds that tv adds, he must be just moderately obese now. how he ever got himself around a football pitch without dropping dead ill never know.
  18. rampz

    the peter serafinowicz show.

    starting oct 4 on bbc 2. i predict that this will be very funny altogether.
  19. rampz

    hey! 80s matchbox b line disaster appear to have a new record out!!!!!!

    ive just seen the vid on tv and its only deadly. all i can say is yaay! i thought this band were deceased.
  20. rampz

    are you gonna be able to buy deerhunter tix online?

    couldnt see them on ticketbastard.