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  1. Moods For Mallards

    Land Lovers looking for gig in week starting Monday 15th Sept

    Hello anyone. We're doing our album launch on Friday 19th September. We have nothing arranged in September before that, and a couple of the band are unavailable early in the month, so I'd love to get a warm-up gig on somebody's line-up in the few days before the launch. To make myself a bit...
  2. Moods For Mallards

    Throwing cigarettes out of cars

    Why is this still acceptable behaviour, any more than throwing a wrapper out of a car is? Every driving smoker seems to do it and one day, in the not too distant future, I am going to hunt you down and drive you off the road, light one of your remaining fags and stub it out in your eyeholes.
  3. Moods For Mallards

    Land Lovers, Herm, Kevin Mangan play Club F.E.A.R. at Pravda, 13th August

    It's free in, and you get to see Land Lovers, Herm and Kevin Mangan. It'll be amazing. Speaking for Land Lovers, 'they' play big melodic pop music with guitars and synths and what not. Herm delivers awesome folk-pop stylings. Not sure about Kevin Mangan, haven't found a MySpace. Land Lovers...
  4. Moods For Mallards

    Land Lovers play Club F.E.A.R. at Pravda

    It's free in, and you get to see Land Lovers, Herm and Kevin Mangan. It'll be amazing. Speaking for Land Lovers, 'they' play big melodic pop music with guitars and synths and what not. Herm delivers awesome folk-pop stylings. Not sure about Kevin Mangan, haven't found a MySpace. Land Lovers...
  5. Moods For Mallards

    Keyboard player wanted

    Please. Click link in signature below to listen to songs and see how nice I seem. Hopeless pursuit of keyboard player reaching stage where I might tape a stick to my head and use it to reach (at first) individual keys whilst I play guitar and sing. It'd be nice if you had some good synths too...
  6. Moods For Mallards


    I had yesterday's stew for lunch today. Beautiful. Same again tomorrow, then I'm done. It's become a favourite recipe of mine, got it from the book Delicious: 5 of the Best. It's a chorizo and bean stew and I've added to it as I've gone along (this is the 6th or 7th time I've made it over the...
  7. Moods For Mallards

    Happy Birthday to Moods for Moderns on 19th July

    He truly is a friend 'til the end. Good look in the 6-a-side tournament today, friend. Bring it home.
  8. Moods For Mallards

    Not football: Fecerer v Nadal

    This is brilliant stuff. Not that I know a great deal about tennis, but the ferocity and accuracy of the play is amazing. Nadal is lightning quick. Federer is beautifully turned out.
  9. Moods For Mallards

    Looking for gigs

    In late July & anytime in August. Can anyone help?
  10. Moods For Mallards

    Norn Iron radio shows that play music by nobodies

    Anyone got any contacts for these? I don't even know the names of any radio stations up north. Actually, while I'm at it, does anyone have details of similar in Scotland, Wales & those faceless English regions?
  11. Moods For Mallards

    Intolerant Russians warned against abusing Rangers players The spectre of racist abuse hangs over tonight's UEFA Cup Final. It would be awful if Rangers players suffered at the hands of these backward Slavic ogres. I know where my colours are nailed - come on Rangers! Do it for a...
  12. Moods For Mallards

    2 Nick Cave tckets for sale

    Face value. PM me.
  13. Moods For Mallards

    Really, really need a synth player

    For my band/vanity project Land Lovers. As seen on To play songs from a completed album and also to play new songs. Can you imagine?! Buzzy synths, creamy synths, piannnoey synths, dirty synths, I need them all at some point and we could do with a dedicated person to help...
  14. Moods For Mallards

    I can't wait for Euro 2008

    I can't wait for the Euros. I caught a terrible syndicated preview show on RTE the other day. I was still very excited, despite the poorness of the fare. I know, for example, that I will spend all day thinking of Austria vs Poland, then the game itself will be mildly diverting and I'll move on...
  15. Moods For Mallards

    Rico's corner

    Perhaps I should have put this thread in the Arts & Culture section, for I beleive that it will offer each and every one of us an untrammeled and fundamentally spiritual insight into the globulously all-encompassing mind of one of sporting endeavour's foremost reflecters-upon. In the service of...
  16. Moods For Mallards

    Okay, Pitchfork is annoying but...

    ... this review of that Bell X1 album is hard not to enjoy.
  17. Moods For Mallards

    Panel from Hell

    Eoghan Harris, John Waters and Eamonn Dunphy all sat in a line before Pat on the Late Late. Horrors to a man. Eamo is funny, of course.
  18. Moods For Mallards

    Boundary Commission

    Cavan is not in the Republic of Ireland, according to the Taoiseach. I'm not sure if it has been annexed to Monaghan or the Brits, but I'll check.
  19. Moods For Mallards

    Releasing music yourself

    I haven't done this before, i.e. release an album or EP. I'm planning to do it quite soon and I'm fixing to set up a label to make it all seem proper and stuff. Is this standard enough for you lot or do you not bother with that? I know I can just set myself up with CD Baby or whomever without...
  20. Moods For Mallards

    French music

    Beyond Jacques Brel (I'm lumping in the Belgians, alright), Serge Gainsbourg, Jacques Dutronc and the latter-day dance stuff. Show me the good stuff, there has to be plenty of it but I don't know where to look. I love the garagey sound of 60s Dutronc with the French lyrics. The sound and the...