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  • Users: dqk
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  1. dqk

    Night Photography (Quiet)

    Yeah it's me, hi! One thing I miss about living in Dublin is being called Deco on a regular basis. Makes me feel artful.
  2. dqk

    Night Photography (Quiet)

    Cool! I tried a bit of a series of something like that a few years back, portraits of cars passing at night: First one is from Dun Laoghaire, the rest are from Galway.
  3. dqk

    Night Photography (Quiet)

    Reminds me of that Trigger line - "This old broom's had 17 new heads and 14 new handles in its time".
  4. dqk

    Night Photography (Quiet)

    Thanks for the heads up, there was a link to Francis Matthews' website Francis Matthews with amazing oil paintings of Dublin at night
  5. dqk

    Night Photography (Quiet)

    That's great, what's the building in the background there, a church? Nice mix of architecture anyway, and I like the pole muscling its way in with disregard for the rest of the scene. Like an oblivious tourist.
  6. dqk

    Night Photography (Quiet)

    I came across this work by Latvian photographer Alnis Stakle recently and it got me thinking about urban night photography in general, and just how it's pretty much my favourite kind of photography. Not necessarily the flashy long-exposure photos of star (or car) trails or light writing (though...
  7. dqk

    What movie did you watch last night?

    Dogma. I hadn't seen it in years, and it was interesting to see how much my perception of it had changed ie back when it was first out the name gained byword status for subversion, same as South Park. But seeing it last night I found it pretty heavy-handed and too-clever on the moralising, and...
  8. dqk

    The Joys Of Film Photography

    This is more of a regret than a mistake (well no, it's definitely a mistake too) - about five years ago I found myself in possession of a roll of Kodak Ektar 25! I loaded it in my Nikon FM2, set the iso to 25, not really knowing that I was about to use one of a very much endangered species of...
  9. dqk

    Comprehensive list of independent Irish record labels

    Abandon Reason!
  10. dqk

    Cassette duplication

    I've not used them myself but I'm fairly certain both Fort Evil Fruit and Long Lost use tapeline -, have heard nothing but good things about them.