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  1. jackofficer

    Shipping Vinyl?

    No thanks! I'd rather crawl around the city on all fours than put myself in the hands of Dublin Bus! I will try Usit though, sounds a likely target....good thinkin herv!
  2. jackofficer

    Shipping Vinyl?

    That sounds exactly what I'm lookin for! I don't think I've ever noticed that Living Abroad magazine though, do you get it in travel agents?
  3. jackofficer

    Shipping Vinyl?

    woh. thats a bit much. i know when we're got records sent from the czech republic the shipping was included in the price and was between 150 and 200 euro for 330 7"s. so check it again. it seems an awful lot. are you selling the records or moving? just convert them all to mp3 and have a car boot...
  4. jackofficer

    Shipping Vinyl?

    thanks herv! are the smaller boxes you speak of the types of cardboard mailer that you get records in from Warp Mart and other mailorder places? and then putting 10 or 20 of those in another bigger box? dhl seems to be quite a bit more expensive than SDS. SDS do 30kg for about eur300, and...
  5. jackofficer

    Shipping Vinyl?

    I have a question, probably directed more towards those of you either working for a record shop or a record label who might deal with large volumes of vinyl. If I have say 1000 12"s, and I need to ship them overseas, say to the US or Japan or Australia, what's the best (ie. most cost...
  6. jackofficer

    The Wire magazine

    Yeah, that's right. Not a very prolific poster there though, the regulars talk an awful load of shite (ehm, or not, depending on how regularly you post there :rolleyes: ). Same with all the other "IDM" boards. You might find one interesting topic in every 50 posted.... herv.... doesn't ring...
  7. jackofficer

    Michael Gira + Devendra Banhart - 2nd November at Doyle's College St

    Best news I've had in ages! I wasn't gonna be able to make the Friday gig, and was planning a trip down to Cork for the Saturday. Now I can relax. I know somebody's asked already, but will there be tickets, or is it a "get there early to avoid disappointment" job? How many can Doyles hold...
  8. jackofficer

    The Wire magazine

    Yeah, the latest issue has a double CD, Wiretapper 10. Not the best Wiretapper, that honour goes to 6 with all the exclusive Coil, NWW, Current 93 stuff, but it does have an hilariously cheesy electro track by Laibach. What ARE they thinking these days. Anyway, the tracklist for the CD is at...