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  1. T

    Hail, Caesar! - for whiter than white whites

    Barton Fink is GREAT! Just remember it was Llewyn Davis just as you posted. I need to see that one again - I basically need to see all their introspective films again - The Man Who Wasn't There, A Serious Man, Inside Llewyn Davis Man!
  2. T

    Hail, Caesar! - for whiter than white whites

    Jesus I can't even remember what their last film was. Didn't like the cowboy remake one anyway. I am a fan of theirs though.
  3. T

    Michael Gira

    Hmmmmm I'll absolutely be the first to admit I'm wrong but I have a feeling the allegations are bullshit. Would like to see/read Gira's evidence too of course, but if Grimm has a history of lying when off/on medication then that say's a lot.
  4. T

    Hail, Caesar! - for whiter than white whites

    I bipassed the past four pages of thread.........
  5. T

    Hail, Caesar! - for whiter than white whites

    So is the film actually any good then? Because the contents of the past 4 pages of thread just hurt my brain - be more inclusive - point made, if it works for your art do it! P.S - P.O.C is the most ridiculous term ever, whoever started pushing that term hard literally circled back into...
  6. T

    Vinyl - HBO TV Show

    The Alice Cooper story and all "real" cameos are not helping the show. Having real people in Boardwalk Empire worked excellently but in this it's just shit!
  7. T

    Vinyl - HBO TV Show

    Westworld is delayed.....again. David Fincher's 80s? 90s? set music video comedy has ceased production during filming to do script work (think it might be dead now). They also couldn't work out a budget with Fincher for Utopia so he walked. David Simon 70's set porn show is greenlit and in the...
  8. T

    Vinyl - HBO TV Show

    It's already renewed because HBO having nothing solid in the pipeline. They cancelled Boardwalk Empire for THIS!!!!!!!!!
  9. T

    X Files

  10. T

    Vinyl - HBO TV Show

    Well the 3rd episode was more boring than the 2nd. Only things remotely interesting going on is Richy trying to find new talent and the possibilities of Lester Grimes story. Is he gonna start a Hip Hop label and make a fortune (bit early for hiphop right?) ?
  11. T

    Michael Gira

    Larkin Grimm Releases Song Dedicated to Abuse Survivors, in Wake of Michael Gira Accusations Hmmmmm........ Also Tony Visconti plays bass on it........ Double hmmmmmmmm........
  12. T

    Vinyl - HBO TV Show

    Matty Scorsese
  13. T

    Vinyl - HBO TV Show

    Well it's not particularly good. Basically all the scenes in the office are good despite the show essentially being Mad Men in a 1970's record company. The great Juno Temple is Peggy Olsen, then they have the slimey Pete Campbell A&R guy. What this show needs, is to have every scene be between...
  14. T

    Michael Gira

    Well he said yesterday she had told a "slanderous lie" referring to the rape. He didn't elaborate on anything else happening.
  15. T

    Michael Gira

    Tony certainly seems to have an ego on him in any interview I've ever seen. Gira being a dick to him doesn't really count for much. Don't know what to make of all this now. Gira's statement is very sketchy indeed! They both point to the same night as the time of the incident, he say's...
  16. T

    Michael Gira

    Don't think he really started the airing in public part here.....
  17. T

    X Files

    I think it's just the pointless unneccessary voice over that really hurts my interest in Narcos. It has it's moments though.....mostly when the voice over stops telling you exactly what is clearly happening on screen at that very moment.
  18. T

    X Files

    What shows are you watching these days Bernie? I've gone back to watching Deadwood again......trying out Narcos, not sure if I'll continue yet.
  19. T

    X Files

    First episode was very disjointed and uneasy but the second one felt like classic X Files from the opening pre credits set up to the general vibe/rhythm of the episode.
  20. T

    Making a Murderer

    Nah like most things Netflix it probably could have easily lost 2-3 episodes. Good show though!