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  1. Kermit McDermott

    Minor complaints thread

    I like Dijon mustard. Colman's is fine as well, although too much of it will take the face off ya.
  2. Kermit McDermott

    Tell me a joke thread

    Why can't rappers be vegetarians? Because they are always having beef.
  3. Denny Oubidoux

    Minor complaints thread

    Mustard is rotten
  4. Jill Hives

    Minor complaints thread

    Awesome! Thank you.
  5. Kermit McDermott

    Youtube channels

    I've recently discovered random goth couple Good quality vids, & a gorgeous goth girl......with a flat Dublin accent.
  6. chris d

    New Manics single

    Heading in now, have to drive and leave straight after the Manics. I'm wearing a, quite tight fitting, ladies leather jacket with a Blondie badge.
  7. pete

    Minor complaints thread

    GOOD NEWS FROM THE CLONTARF DIRECTION as Colonel Mustard opens a new flank.
  8. Denny Oubidoux

    Minor complaints thread

    Good news from Clontarf
  9. pete

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

  10. pete

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    Quite a lot of my recommended videos have machine translated/generated voiceovers and SOME GOOD NEWS FROM THE KHARKIV DIRECTION.
  11. ann post

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    I've seen his stupid head loads of times. He's got a team of information pilliagers working for him no doubt
  12. pete

    General Election 2025
  13. pete

    forthcoming film trailers

  14. pete

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    Once you watch a couple of those Ukraine war update videos the alto takes over…
  15. Deadmanposting

    Feminism, abortion, women-only spaces

    Oh wait, it's just sexy? I'll allow it! :D
  16. Unicron

    Your work situation

    Really hating the gig at the minute. Feel like I'm reaching an age where it's piss or get off the pot time WRT a big jump. Thinking of doing the FE1 exam
  17. ann post

    US politics

    Weellll as long as his hands are somewhere we can see them...
  18. ann post

    General Election 2025

    Outside the schoolyard shit in Ireland, in the real world Labour and SD both fall under the S&D banner in Europe and are effectively running against themselves in European Elections, so the adult thing to do would be to technically dissolve both entities and work as one unit with a new name and...
  19. ann post

    Feminism, abortion, women-only spaces

    It kinda looks a lot more like some Rugby players took a modelling gig
  20. ann post

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    A Polish friend of mine was saying that Poland got a bit catholic/body is a temple or whatever about it, and that what they should have done is said the vaccine is really expensive and it would have been 100% uptake.