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  1. flashback

    US politics

    I guess the question is, assuming Trump wins (keeping in mind the Dems have form on ramming home a Trump victory), how fucked are we? I'm trying to not go with my normal worst case scenario reaction to everything. But even with the best will in the world, I'm thinking: a bit. We're a bit...
  2. flashback

    US politics

    they should have said it was a single term presidency from the outset and stuck with that. But yeah, it's hard to know what to do now. If they reef him, assuming he co-operates, then they're going to look like they're panicking. If they leave him in, they're going to keep looking like gobshites...
  3. flashback

    US politics

    yeah, Paddy Power is setting Trump as a clear favourite to win this thing. Fuck. I listened to clips. Biden sounds like a person with a neuro-degenerative problem. He sounded like that last time too, he was doing this slurring / difficulty sharply articulating certain sounds, similar to...
  4. flashback

    Swimming lessons

    ah, ok. That's different. That;s probably the slow incremental acquiring of technique.
  5. flashback

    Swimming lessons when you get your breathing in the correct state, and at that point you suddenly get quite a lot better. You go from being able to swim to over *there*, hopefully, to being able to plough along and think about other things. You sit into a rhythm. Sometimes I've noticed that even when I...
  6. flashback

    The Russian invasion of Ukraine

    things are looking very bad for Ukraine, if this is to be believed.
  7. flashback

    European and local elections 2024

    ...Which leads us to the important question, who is he riding? Or does he just... take care of those urges by himself? God's hand? Does God have a few partners, or just one? Are they his wife? Is he 100% straight? Like, *100* percent? Is he sure? I'd like some clarification from any senior...
  8. flashback

    Jaysus cycling!

    The sad thing about shit drivers is generally, they're vanishingly few. I'm not saying that all drivers don't fuck up here and there, and do silly things. We do. But there's only a very small number of people that consistently drive like cunts. This is the thing about living in a little...
  9. flashback

    Jaysus cycling!

    27 * 1 1/4 tyres aren't exchangeable for 700c tyres, in case that was being implied here. That might end up costing you. I forget which one is bigger, but you can't swap sizes. What you normally can do is put a 700c wheel onto a frame that is built for 27 inch wheels. But, we'd never swap them...
  10. flashback

    Definitions question

    @GPThumped, what's kink shaming?
  11. flashback

    Wealth inequality

    Yup. I had a multi (?) billionaire work... for (?) me. I didn't know how wealthy he was at the time. He just wanted to learn the stuff I was working on, so I was told to take care of him, check his stuff, get him working. Maybe "for me" is a bit much. He didn't really work for me, he just worked...
  12. flashback

    Wealth inequality

    it'll give you something to do in work Pete
  13. flashback

    Wealth inequality

  14. flashback

    Meeting People

    A friend of mine, the wonderful Katherine, was telling some people about her dog. Someone asked if the dog was still alive, and she said no, it wasn't. It was made into a pair of slippers now. Her father killed the dog because it got old. She pointed at the slippers she was wearing which had...
  15. flashback

    I saw a thing in the garden

    What if we've been mistaking fairies for mayflies? What if this is some kind of chronic miss identification that's been happening for ages. Like, there's the photo right there. Basic Occam's razor shit lads, wake up like.
  16. flashback

    Jaysus cycling!

    there's a place out in Ballymun called... ehh, I dunno, "re-discovery" or something. Basically cycle to Ballymun, and aim for the chimney. There's a bike place in there, they're great. They might have an old mech hanging around. Maybe worth a phone call?
  17. flashback

    Jaysus cycling!

    yeah, then your form is probably pretty alright already. I'd not worry about form until you get specific pain, numb feet, sore back, knees, or whatever.
  18. flashback

    Jaysus cycling!

    I think if you want to get good pedaling form a fixed gear is probably going to help the most? Like, the clipless is really just going to get your foot in the right place so you can forget about it from that point. It might tend to allow you to relax your ankle, which maybe can improve form a...
  19. flashback

    Jaysus cycling!

    Di2 is shimano's electronic shifting. I've never used it properly, but I think it's meant to be pretty solid. I like BMC stuff, but I'd go for Giant in the above list. They actually build their own frames, in house. As well as build frames for lots of other manufacturers. I like tubeless stuff...
  20. flashback

    I saw a thing in the garden

    yeah, I'd say it is. I think the no-mow May thing was a better than nothing sort of idea.