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  • Users: HMD
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  1. HMD

    Happy Birthday to HMD.

    Thanks, i love you all, even scutter. you were right to give you wishes to squiggs instead
  2. HMD

    New album excitement

    Ufomammut are in the studio which is ver exciting
  3. HMD

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

  4. HMD

    Comprehensive list of people not going to this year's Electric Picnic

    I going camping in Wickla in the pissing rain.
  5. HMD

    Comprehensive list of people not going to this year's Electric Picnic

    I'm not going but I'm sure I'll be getting phone calls for tech support from colleagues that are working at it. Pricks
  6. HMD

    animated gif thread

  7. HMD

    NoMeansNo - Wrong (1989)

    I saw them live a few times in the 90s but never got them. Stuck this on tonight when i was out and found the first couple of songs difficult to get into but i warmed to it after that. One of the songs sounds like their other band The Hanson Brothers - 110%. I look forward to listening another...
  8. HMD

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    Yeah, it looks deadly
  9. HMD

    Just signed up for pokemon go!

    Ha, I think thats my first dislike, Thanks @Bernie Lomax
  10. HMD

    Minor complaints thread

    Was it really scary?
  11. HMD

    Fuck Religion

    Satanic Temple Petitions Public Schools To Include An After School Satanism Club - Metal Injection
  12. HMD

    Educate Together

    I don't trust them.
  13. HMD

    Just signed up for pokemon go!

    I'm on a Pokemon tour of the west coast with the family. In my day we called it a holiday Going to the famine graveyard on the hunt tomorrow
  14. HMD

    Thumped album club

    Right so, on our 3 hour drive today I'll line up a few
  15. HMD

    Thumped album club

    Sure we're all on holidays. Maybe I should use the time to catch up but I'm not sure diddles would put up with most of the albums I've missed for 3 listens.
  16. HMD

    New (old) music from Legion of Two

  17. HMD

    animated gif thread

  18. HMD

    Star Wars: Rogue One

    It looks deadly
  19. HMD

    Beastie Boys - Check Your Head (1992)

    I wasn't overly familiar with this album when I saw them in the Tivoli in 94 but that was one of the best gigs I was ever at and this album became part of most people I knows collection. There are some amazing songs on it and some filler from what I remember. Will stick it on in work today