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  • Users: NotMe
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  1. N

    Sub Hum Mans

    Subhumans - great band. I thought they became Citizen Fish though???
  2. N

    anyone like agnostic front?

    I f**king HATE nazis.
  3. N

    bassist wanted for metal band !

    your name is "i am in a band"?
  4. N


    Kazzaa IS shit. Try soulseek instead.
  5. N


    I agree with corrupted. I have loads of crap albums that I bought at rip off prices from HMV and I will never listen to again. I do agree with supporting small bands though - I would buy they're albums direct from their website.
  6. N


    I download songs/ movies/ apps all the time. I don't feel a bit guilty, that's what they're there for.
  7. N

    Danzig getting whacked

    NO! I like Danzig. I don't care if he's a prick I like his music.
  8. N

    Danzig getting whacked

    Danzig rocks. Looks like he deserved that punch though.
  9. N

    Broadband Question

    I have heard that their customer service is shit, luckily I haven't had to use it but at ?30 p/m it's the cheapest your gonna get.
  10. N

    Broadband Question

    UTV are offering 3 months free broadband and the 4th month free if you sign up. I signed up the week before they started this offer so I have to pay for it... grrr. I'd definately recommend it though .. you'll never want to go back to 56k. As for a firewall, download ZoneAlarm for free. It's...