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  1. Boobee

    Where to buy a laptop for work

    Bought a refurbed Dell recently for cheap from I think about €250. Not the most up to date fancy pants machine but it has an i5 processor and 8gb ram which is more than I need for mostly internet/emails/letters/etc. They have much fancier laptops too but if you're OK with...
  2. Boobee

    Funny names

  3. Boobee

    Minor Pleasures

    She sounds deadly 😉
  4. Boobee

    HSE/Department of Health Hack

    Portal is down but Duty Social Work teams are taking referrals by phone (as they normally would anyway). The portal is always breaking so this is nothing new. The website has all the info for Local Area Offices. Gardai are also able to assist with any concern for immediate danger to a child and...
  5. Boobee

    Recently Purchased Such a tune. Not even sorry!
  6. Boobee

    thumped=sausage fest

    Definitely not a regular poster but I'm one of the lady folk here amongst the sausaged folk
  7. Boobee

    What's the protocol for dealing with people in messed up relationships?

    Don't offer advice unless you know the services available to them and the ins and out of domestic abuse and how it fucks up your head. Listening to them is more beneficial. Encourage them to speak to Women's Aid or Men's Aid, they will assist with applying for protection from the Courts...
  8. Boobee

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    Had my first AZ dose today, it was the first time I've really felt that this whole pandemic saga is not going to last forever. I also got to see loads of people I work with in real life and it proper lifted my spirits. Anyway, I was chatting to the nurse administering the vaccine, she said...
  9. Boobee

    Does anyone have any recommendations for getting foam replaced on woofers?

    Thanks, I'll give them a ring tomorrow
  10. Boobee

    Does anyone have any recommendations for getting foam replaced on woofers?

    Besides Hifi Hospital and Cloney Audio, does anyone have any recommendations for getting foam replaced on woofers? I see there are DIY kits online but I'm not confident in my skills. The speakers are about 40 years old so I'd rather someone do it who knows what they are at. Cheers palz
  11. Boobee

    Words and phrases that are soooo...meh! Like meh

    'circle back' Who the fuck comes up with these business wankerisms
  12. Boobee

    The Snow.

    Granted, but nice summers are better than pissy wet summers 🤞
  13. Boobee

    The Snow.

    We had a great summer after the Beast in 2018 so maybe, just maybe, the same thing will happen this year if the Beast is set upon us again?
  14. Boobee

    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Heartbreak High is on Netflix and it hasn't aged well. Still though, my inner-teen is LOVING the nostalgia!
  15. Boobee

    Tell me a joke thread

    My favourite Dad Joke of all time
  16. Boobee

    Tell me a joke thread

    A new restaurant opened up recently on the moon. The food was delicious but there was no atmosphere.
  17. Boobee

    2020 Music In Lists
  18. Boobee

    Coronavirus: Better Call Sol - CORONAMANIA

    Had a test last Thursday and thought my eyes were melting because they were watering so much after the nose swab. Stings like a motherfucker.
  19. Boobee

    Talk about your dreams

    Just to say from the outset I am *not* a fan of Joe Rogan, however, a friend sent me a link to an episode of his podcast where he interviewed a neuroscientist about sleep. There was a really interesting part where they discussed what happens when you don't get enough REM sleep and the...