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  • Users: Froog
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  1. Froog is so flippin hacked

    were you any good at trolling at 1 2 3?
  2. Froog

    Comprehensive List Of Shit That's Fucked Up After The Upgrade

    go to first unread post button still not working properly (jumping to the newest post), but i'm sure you already know that. also, to everyone having image size problems just untick this: "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" and it works like old.
  3. Froog

    Comprehensive list of immigrants

    1 2 3 GO (oh the irony) JRAD philbrooks green goblin
  4. Froog is so flippin hacked

    ahhhh. still got it.
  5. Froog is so flippin hacked

  6. Froog is so flippin hacked

    gah, my comedic image posting is being severly affected by this upgrade.
  7. Froog is so flippin hacked

  8. Froog

    Comprehensive List Of Shit That's Fucked Up After The Upgrade

    new one: page numbers are under thread title when they shouldnt because i have view 40 posts at a time option on. i.e. 1 2 3 when i should only have 1.
  9. Froog

    Comprehensive List Of Shit That's Fucked Up After The Upgrade

    on a positive note pete, the search is working way better then before, more relevant results. think.
  10. Froog

    Comprehensive List Of Shit That's Fucked Up After The Upgrade

    man i hate 28 year olds...
  11. Froog is so flippin hacked

  12. Froog is so flippin hacked

  13. Froog is so flippin hacked

    is this why you've suddenly started posting here again?
  14. Froog

    thumped tag cloud

    like a toilet wall. good stuff.
  15. Froog

    Is Shay Healy in the house?

    ha ha, but the thing is they didnt collect any money off anybody, they just promised to give some when they got 200,000 members. also the hoaxers quote: In an email to the Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) newspaper, one of the founders of the fake Facebook group explained that the hoax was “to get a...
  16. Froog hacked

    hacked my barse, i'd say one of the admins spilt a red bull on a hard drive or something.
  17. Froog

    Comprehensive List Of Shit That's Fucked Up After The Upgrade

    seems fine now for me, but i'm a subscriber with ads successfully turned off. not sure if it's still the case with ads on.
  18. Froog

    Global warming schobal warming?
