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  1. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    I hate to judge anyone’s parenting but exposure a child to ratm is child abuse.
  2. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    1. My health has been shit since the 27th dec, although I’m finally coming through after losing pretty much mon-weds this week. Big pressure thing with work is a grant I’m coordinating which I had to get first draft of out to the partners this week. After lots of very political incorporating of...
  3. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    It’s amazing (if obvious really) how much light a moderately dirty window blocks. I did all the ones of ours that I can reach with my girly ladder/fear of heights before the plague hit over Xmas. The difference was significant even in the gloomy weather we had at the time.
  4. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    What about brandy+coffee with a mince pie? Notions?
  5. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    Not sure we can blame aping the Brits for turkey - bigger birds that were cheaper to rear than geese and so became the norm. Although you’re correct that they only became the norm mid last century (40s-50s). Goose would have been the traditional bird in Uk too (if the muppets Xmas carol has...
  6. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    Ya know for all the talk of energy/cost of living crises, there was no change in the volume of external facing lighted tat last year as far as I could determine.
  7. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    my neighbour hasn't started disassembling the vast array of noise-making tat in her garden, so it's still hanging on here...
  8. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    cage not protect data from us, cage protect us from data...
  9. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    sure was good craic. private party, doncha know... taking advantage of a crowd gathered for the drummers 50th (take that sentence to the 'you know youre getting old thread'
  10. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    this story and picture cheered me up. when the world is well and truly fucked in so many ways, and humanity in general is eating itself, a greasy mole not being extinct is a minor pleasure...
  11. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    Just finished sound checking for first gig since 2017 Getting chips
  12. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    Rent one of those massive wet dry vaccum cleaners.
  13. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    When evidence supports your innate biases against bmw drivers
  14. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    there's no enthusiasm like yank enthusiasm
  15. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    beat me too it! there was a lad selling these on adverts at one point
  16. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    I'm still trying to square the die hard belle and sebastian fan with the county/college hurling star. stars of track and field?
  17. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    the year I dropped out they got to the county final. they were annihilated by the other team. I think they only scored 2 or 3 points
  18. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    for me being bullied at the club by the same lads who were bullying me in school kinda took the fun out of it. If I'd been better at it I'd probably have stuck with it
  19. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    classic trousers/bottoms tucked in socks trick. he probably has a TK red lemonade bottle filled with tap water in that kit bag
  20. JohnnyRaz

    Minor Pleasures

    the young fella has started doing GAA, last week they gave him a hurl. I was in decathalon to buy something else entirely, and saw they sold hurls. so for the first time in about 20 years I had a puck around yesterday with him. I was shit at hurling in a team context, but always loved the...