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  • Users: Goodbye
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  1. Goodbye

    The Ghost of Christmas Past

    I'm not a fan of nostalgia, but having a kid & seeing him get really excited about Santa has made me think about cool gifts I got as a kid. Do share yours.
  2. Goodbye

    Shit Girls Say
  3. Goodbye


    Like my browser couldn't get any slower bah humbug
  4. Goodbye

    Weird crap happening with Chrome on Mac

    After running for a while Chrome would become slow & unresponsive to the point of asking me to kill pages... At which point the mac's fans start to speed up... I quit the app, the fans continue so I restart the computer... When it restarts it tells me I've aprox 5gb more available space than...
  5. Goodbye

    Old Jews Telling Jokes

    I never usually watch TV, but caught this last night. A white background, an unseen studio audience, and an old Jews telling jokes to camera. Amazing.
  6. Goodbye

    Spotify Playlists

    Mad for the mixtapes "back" in the "day" me I don't know how this works but lash up your Spotify/ Grooveshark/ Mixcloud/ 8Tracks whatever playlists here so we can share.
  7. Goodbye

    Posh Pedals

    ...vividly remember being at a nightclub (is that an old persons term ?) and hearing those opening chords to Freakscene and just thinking “what the F#*K is this” It still gives me chills to this day. Anyway, a couple of years ago I was talking to J about Big Muffs, something he knows a little...
  8. Goodbye

    The Non-Animated JPEG Thread

  9. Goodbye

    Guilty Pleasures

    Watching Come Dine With Me
  10. Goodbye

    Fucked up Pro Tools goings on...

    Right, I haven't opened PT in a while but that shouldn't make any difference. The drive where all my old sessions is kept has suddenly been called "Not a valid audio volume" Its the drive I've been using all along and this is suddenly happening. The solution online is to select workspace...
  11. Goodbye

    Car maintenance

    I know there are some "gear" head lurking about on these here boards... Is it possible to fix a rattle in the exhaust without having to take it to a garage & put it on a lift? ie. Not have to pay anybody anything
  12. Goodbye

    Potty Training

    Any help/tips/advice? I really can't read another thread on another "parenting" site for fear of my balls shriveling up & falling off.
  13. Goodbye

  14. Goodbye

    Here Pete

    New thread for yeh
  15. Goodbye

    Paint a vulgar picture all its short is the tacky badge
  16. Goodbye

    Comprehensive list of overheard stupid shit in public places.

    This afternoon I overheard the following: "I love Spagetti Bolognese, but I can't stand that stringy stuff." Followed by: "I have Spagetti Bolognese with pasta shells... you know pasta shells?" These were not the words of a child.
  17. Goodbye

    Putting a Jack Plug in a car CD player

    Anyone know how to do this? I've seen a car with a lead hanging down from the back of the dash that you can plug an iPod (other mp3 players are available). It was an "inny". It was a "ghetto" job, but looked fairly doable. I have a bog standard Panasonic CD player in the car. No idea how old...
  18. Goodbye

    Brown Paper Tickets

    What would the chances of these guys setting up here? Aren't we the worst country in Europe for being fucked up the arse when it comes to ticket prices? I don't gig much anymore because of this. Last big show I went to cost me €100 pretty much for the ticket, while the rest of the European...
  19. Goodbye

    The Green Album Weezer doing Rainbow Connection. mazin
  20. Goodbye

    Built to Spill Appreciation Thread.

    Blaring keep it like a secret right now. One of the greatest albums ever made. Show of hands for fellow fans. & let the gushing commence.