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  1. lemonbravo

    Vote Popical!

  2. lemonbravo

    printing up 50 CD's in Dublin on the cheap??

    found it! This is where I usually get them: pretty much same price though.
  3. lemonbravo

    printing up 50 CD's in Dublin on the cheap??

    Taiyo Yuden are good CDR's too. I usually go for the silver printable ones, but they do white ones also. Available in lots of places online, I'd shop around. I can't remeber where I normally get them, some here though:
  4. lemonbravo

    BeatDeck - Social media analytics for your band / music

    I'll call the first one Lemoncloud maybe.....
  5. lemonbravo

    BeatDeck - Social media analytics for your band / music

    Thinking of applying for a large grant to fund a new start up company that makes a product that utilizes existing technologies, but repackages them in a different GUI. The focus will be some sort of streaming music related thing, were bands will provide all the content for free, like how they...
  6. lemonbravo

    fundit, infographic, well?

    That's going to annoy me now, what were they called? sounded very much like humanzi........anyone, late 90's Dublin band, the gig might been a gay pride thing?
  7. lemonbravo

    fundit, infographic, well?

    I always thought Humanzi were two girls that did sort of dancey/electronica stuff. I did the sound for them one night, I don't remember them being men.
  8. lemonbravo

    New Dudley Corporation LP & launch gig(s)

    thank you. I always do a separate vinyl version. Missed the gig, had to be at a cash for god party. Gave the LP a spin yesterday, sounds excellent!
  9. lemonbravo

    Xtra-vision in receivership

    my local one has been selling birthday cards for the last 6 months.
  10. lemonbravo


    99% of the time I'm only working with two tracks, so don't need a big monitor. Plus smaller monitor, less in the way of the speakers. Although I have recently been editing video on a big widescreen yoke and feel very ....small once I'm back in the studio. Think mine's only 15".
  11. lemonbravo


    it doesn't really work on my small LCD screen. Cool if you've got a couple of HD screens i'd say.
  12. lemonbravo


    I'm guessing everyone that uses reaper probably knows about that skin.
  13. lemonbravo


    I don't use Reaper, but came across this today. Shiny GUI's are always nice.
  14. lemonbravo

    Quotes from your child

    so...was telling the 6yr daughter about what happened at the weekend at the constitutional convention. Well trying to explain to a 6yr old as best as possible, at one point I used the word 'gay'... me- "you know what that means don't you?" Tillie- "yeah, like you're a priest or religious."
  15. lemonbravo

    Free Barcode Generator

    Cool. I usually pass this one on to people: In Irderland we tend to use the GS1 system.
  16. lemonbravo

    Commercial rates on a practice space

    I'd get in contact with Dublin city council, they'd know best.
  17. lemonbravo

    Quotes from your child

    I farted earlier, the 6 year old sighs and says to the 9 month old, "you better get used to that".
  18. lemonbravo

    A Close One (a cautionary tale)

    I got my eldest a bike last year, but never let him out on his own on it, due to pricks speeding around the estate. Glad she wan't hurt!
  19. lemonbravo

    bandcamp fan pages

    I really like bandcamp, and this seems cool, but I'm not sure I give a crap what anyone else has bought on it.
  20. lemonbravo

    Meteor Choice Music Prize Shortlist