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    People Who Died
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    so according to the latest report in the IT, a suspended sentence is *not* automatic grounds for dismissal from the armed forces; a custodial sentence is, though. apparently there was an emergency pow-wow to try to get a handle on this issue, including a scramble to find out how often this has...
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    European and local elections 2024

    cork people fighting the stereotype that they're petty.
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    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read
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    Irish times reported today that a chap working for the naval service got a suspended sentence after attacking his girlfriend, and is still working. "He was described in a court as an accomplished heavyweight boxer on the Naval Service boxing team. The court heard how he punched the victim with...
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    Bit of everything. He's supposed to be a trusted 'officer of the state' but used state provided training to beat the woman. And the state let him walk.
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    I suspect the wrinkle that it was a soldier was one of the reasons this got so much coverage.
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    Art you like

    couple of articles have popped up in various ways about this topic in the last week or so:
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    Your work situation

    well, it's a sign of how efficient this place is that a job i applied for at the start of april has been offered to me. except they haven't decided yet on what salary they're going to offer.
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    Home improvement

    there are a couple of good books by a lad called dave goulson, well recommended if this is an interest. our ceanothus (aka californian lilac) has been humming with bees recently. we've considered getting those yokes dudley has - echiums - but the garden is kinda full already.
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    Jaysus cycling!

    a few years back, i was out on the bike and spun over to the hill of tara because a lad from navan was attempting a double everest on it. it was a really poor choice of hill, wasn't steep enough so he was spending more time covering ground horizontally than was necessary. i think it took him...
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    Home improvement

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    Jaysus cycling!

    i see the 24 hour mondello event was on at the weekend. a lad i follow on strava did it solo. mondello is clearly not pan flat.
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    Jaysus cycling!

    a 9 tooth on the cassette? i wasn't aware that was possible, strikes me as way too grindy.
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    Jaysus cycling!

    you mean the smallest ring on your cassette is an 11 tooth? same here, but i very very rarely use it. downhill at 50 or 60km/h maybe.
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    Jaysus cycling!

    i don't have the gearing on the bike for it. lowest i can go is 34-28, i suspect you'd need a 34-32 to stop you emptying your legs on the steep bits when you've still got 50 or 100km to go. doing the wicklow 200 at 27km/h is no mean feat!
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    Major Complaints Thread

    i suspect any decent luthier would look at that - especially the two layers delaminating - and wouldn't touch it. to fix those layers delaminating would probably require a complete strip down, split the body apart and re-glue. you don't fix that simply by injecting a bit of glue or using a crack...
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    Jaysus cycling!

    Years ago, some mad bastard on the cycling forum decided the Wicklow 200 wasn't enough of a challenge so came up with an alternative route with twice the climbing. There are usually about 6 to 10 people who do it each year. Yesterday was the 13th year it's been done (and I've never...