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  1. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    Check out Teddy Boy Chopper assembly guy Clive Hodgson at @41 minutes in He even got his own documentary
  2. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    The big bike helmet debate: 'You don’t make it safe by forcing cyclists to dress for urban warfare' The helmet/high-vis argument again
  3. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    I can't see how it is enforced, unless an incident is caught on camera. But I agree drivers need to be aware of just how dangerous it can be when overtaking cyclists.
  4. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    I foresee lots of cases using helmet cams as evidence> Motorists now face €80 fine and penalty points for driving too close to cyclists - edit "adical new law sought by Fine Gael" if the law is enacted.
  5. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    "Dublin City Center*" fucking yankisms
  6. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

  7. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    I went over the bill with him and it was ok..just terrible timing. I overspent on a trip to London before xmas and I've been in a hole ever since. Serves me right for trying to have a good time. Anyway Bikes.
  8. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    I just got my bikes back from the repair shop. Couldn't have happened at a worse time. The cost for repair is going to empty my account. A month til pay day and rent is due this week. Rent went up by 200 quid too. Maybe this should be in major complaints Stupid fucking cycling
  9. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    I dropped the two bikes I have in to the shop at the weekend. A puncture each and a few minor fixes and adjustments required. Wish I had the skills or inclination to tackle these myself but I'm far too lazy for that. I agree with @GO ..cycling beats the hell out of running.
  10. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    Chris Boardman: "Helmets not even in top 10 of things that keep cycling safe" Talking to at the London Bike Show, Boardman said, “I think the helmet issue is a massive red herring. It’s not even in the top 10 of things you need to do to keep cycling safe or more widely, save the most...
  11. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    The cycle path on the pavement is one of the worst ideas. It raises the confusion of who has right of way at junctions and the risk of running over some dope who doesn't realise the red bit is for wheels.
  12. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    IMAGES: 25 reasons why cyclists don't use cycle lanes
  13. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

  14. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    Exactly what crossed my mind as he sailed past me. Bet he was laughing at me too
  15. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    This morning I was quite pleased with myself whizzing past an older guy on the track by the canal. After a while I found I was knackered so slowed down a bit only for him to calmly pass me by again, not a bother on him while I'm having an asthma and a heart attack and possibly a stroke.. I just...
  16. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    me too
  17. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    Going to fit one of these horns on it
  18. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    In fairness I was coming from behind them. I thought the bell and the large pictogram of a bicycle on the red tarmac might be enough. But no.
  19. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    The kids are back to school and they and there mammies have no idea what a cycle lane is for. There's me frantically dinging my bell and the dopes walk directly into my path. Other parents park their cars on the cycle lane. Noone looks to see if a bike is coming. I'm going to have to get up...
  20. therealjohnny

    Jaysus cycling!

    Charge your phone while pedaling your bike - Boing Boing