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  1. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Next time i'm having a couch day i'll totally play thinkpiece top trumps with you on twitter.
  2. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Nearly finished my 3000 word think piece on how putting feminism behind a paywall is non intersectional.
  3. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

  4. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Its Problematic. Sorry.
  5. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    happy blue monday everyone, available for fights till about 7
  6. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    like an example would be someone saying something that doesn't agree with trump, then being labelled automatically as democrat and having a full maga twitter pile on, just for disagreeing with one action.
  7. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    I made it up but use it in work to reference stuff now and again. Basically all these media events happen with various ethics around them and are filtered through twitter. People choose a side that is in line with what they believe (hence binary) and then everything that rolls our from there is...
  8. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Tis the age of the performative binary folks.
  9. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    I've seen a bit of it alright Should be full on woke by about this time tomorrow.
  10. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Just listened to some 'classic motorhead'. I didn't listen too closely like, maybe i misinterpreted
  11. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    The people who can maintain a public persona all their life in a climate of tonnes of money and fame across the western world are much scarier than the people who have a speed wobble now and again.
  12. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    who'd have thought a multi million dollar industry soaked in all the drugs you could imagine and dependent filling rooms where stupidly rich people are mixed with stupidly attractive people would propagate a culture of awful sexual behavior.
  13. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Ah less of the nuance ffs. All things must be discussed in performative binary stances and anything less than 100% polarisation is clearly collusion. I work with prime high dollar snowflakes, and in my own 'trendy adult' way I agree with them. Kinda hard to get that across to a couple of lads...
  14. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Kevin Personal Spacey
  15. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread
