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  1. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Considering the level of unfounded naming going on online, whoever it is, if it even happened probably already gonna have unbiased jury defence on thier side now. Twitter might get a few slaps for facilitating it, but they are not in Europe so less to fight with there.. Absolute 100% wrong...
  2. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    There were a load of tweets floating about yesterday saying it was a smoke screen to obscure Boris Johnson's documents handover. The Sun would never do something like that though
  3. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Celebratory Crepe's thread
  4. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Brand is english
  5. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    On a purely pedantic note, that'd be how i'd read that phrase too :P
  6. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    I think he qualified as a creep a few years back.
  7. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Thats a legal dodge - If there hasn't been a conviction or an arrest or down the line a legal case doesn't succeed an accused can sue the broadcaster for defamation. Also in a legal case they can argue the jury are tainted by national media reports...
  8. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    They'd give a mortgage to anyone down that way :p Yeah not creepy but Jesus I'd imagine there's a few people around that area sick to their stomach hearing about mates rates.
  9. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Could say the same about des lynam
  10. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    I've kinda become diplomatic enough about it - i'm not out to defend mcgregor because it's just one thing after another with him and none of it good - but in life most people discover they are good or reasonably competent at something and it gets them through - boxers and mma people and...
  11. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    I'm an internet doctor, not a miracle worker.
  12. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Different gloves though, and sometimes its a knee foot or elbow to the head.
  13. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Aye. And he's barely a proffessional fighter any more these days.
  14. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    One of the top comments on that was something like 'this guy probably has CTE' which i then googled. Which he should probably look into along with some kind of anger managment stuff.
  15. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    The far right dont understand the reprinting of unproven allegations from the internet is a legal hellhole for 'the media'.
  16. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Alien pants farm
  17. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    ***unpopular germaine greer speech on power dynamics***
  18. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    the point i was trying to make, but didn't even type in the end is that soccer isn't an outlier - I wouldn't single it out beyond the circumstances of megabucks and megafame.
  19. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    With any sport you are gonna be spending all your training time trying get knack for spotting a vulnerability and exploiting it. At PL level, or at any sport that involves megabucks that is gonna be the MO. Get out there, find something to exploit, and exploit it, twice a week for at least 90...
  20. ann post

    Celebrity Creeps Thread

    Open secrets are actually secrets.