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    This was great again last night, I thought. I'm going to have to like it on facebook, or something equally drastic.
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    What kind of guitar is this?

    Whoa, that is a shocking amount of gumption, if gumption's the right word. Thanks for that. It usually takes me a few weeks (months) between deciding to email someone and actually doing it. You know, I actually thought it did say Les Brown but then convinced myself I was seeing things. So I...
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    What kind of guitar is this?

    Is it middle of the road? I guess maybe it is. It sounds nice to me though, and I suppose I presumed that, with him having being around for such a long time and all, he'd probably play a guitar that's well suited to his kind of fingerstyle playing. I didn't think about emailing him at all...
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    What kind of guitar is this?

    Ah no worries. Thanks for having a look anyway.
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    What kind of guitar is this?

    I was thinking of buying a new acoustic guitar that's a bit nicer than the one I have, 'cause I've been trying to be a bit more serious about learning to fingerpick. Does anyone know what make/style of guitar the one Alasdair Roberts is playing in this clip is? It's a tiny bit too blurry for me...
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    I was just posting about this on the TV series thread the other day. I have very little idea what's going on at all, but it's deadly, isn't it? Really nicely shot too. I like yer man the main guy's confused expression at the end of nearly every conversation he has.
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    Mad Men Season 4

    I thought he was quite funny drunk, watching Godzilla.
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    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I've started watching this show Rubicon that's just started on TV here. It's kind of weird - I mean, weirdly paced - or weirdly placed in comparison to nearly everything else on th'American telly. And - I don't know - I kind of like it now, I think, after watching two episodes without caring...
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    What movie did you watch last night?

    12th & Delaware, a documentary about a pro-life group who buy the building across the road from an abortion clinic to try to stop people having abortions. Really nicely made film.
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    Ballroom #99: Jogging, Squarehead, Pig, Fairlights Friday 23rd of July

    This is great, I didn't think I was going to be in Dublin for any more of this, I didn't realise this was on tonight!
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    Ballroom #99: Jogging, Squarehead and more, Friday July 23rd

    Ah this is great, I didn't think I was going to be in Dublin for any more of these, I didn't realise this was on this evening!
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    What movie did you watch last night?

    Really pretty cool, I think, this one, although I can't watch Hitchcock any more without imagining what yer man Slavoj Zizek would make of it, after seeing his interpreting-movies thingamajig. I don't think I've ever seen Tallulah Bankhead in anything before. She's pretty amazing in every scene...
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    Documentaries thread

    This is pretty interesting, I think, unless everyone's seen it already. It's about Ronald Reagan (and ilk) trying to get Herbert Marcuse sacked in California in the 60s. Has some great footage of Reagan being a twat and Marcuse being brilliant...
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    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    I couldn't take more than a couple of episodes of it in the end. But it turns out netflix has Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy too. Which is exciting for me because I think I was about seven when my parents used to watch it and I had no idea what was going on in it all. It's great though. My...
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    Leaving the Catholic Church -

    Yeah, loads of people must have heard that, I think NPR news is syndicated all over the place here isn't it. It's quite confusing to me what that oath was, exactly. Not that it's not fucking awful whatever it was, obviously. But it sounds like their claim is that it was something to do with...
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    Leaving the Catholic Church -

    I don't know if they picked up the segment from somewhere else, but (because of the Cardinal Brady thing I guess) there was a report about yis on NPR this morning. I only heard the first half of it on the way to college, an interview with someone from the website and some other people, but it...
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    Mark Linkous of Sparklehorse has Died

    This is just fucking awful. Like someone else said there I don't usually get this upset about people I don't know, but this is just awful. RIP.
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    comprehensive list of songs that are comprehensive lists

    in a comprehensively negative kind of way?
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    What television series are you currently making your way through?

    Has anyone ever seen this show Ultraviolet? It has yer man Idris Elbra off The Wire in it and I was thinking of getting it off of netflix, but the description kinda makes it sound like it might be shite..
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    Acceptable music genres for Irish bands

    Half metal, half fintan o'toole. I like that.