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  1. chris d

    Your work situation

    I mean I'm filling out a civil service promotion form. Good luck @Lili Marlene don't listen to the thumped naysayers like @chris d
  2. chris d

    Your work situation

    Nice one. I'm quitting too!
  3. chris d

    Your work situation

    it's a miserable time at the best of times.
  4. chris d

    Your work situation

    Shit. Remember, it is January.
  5. chris d

    Your work situation

    Back to talking people through printer problems over the phone. I'm not IT and you don't need a printer.
  6. chris d

    Your work situation

    Everyone seems back again. HERE WE GO.
  7. chris d

    Your work situation

    yeah. getting serious stress back.
  8. chris d

    Your work situation

    email about remote secret santa sent yesterday. GOING BE A BIG SECRET ALRIGHT. i mean, im not doing it.
  9. chris d

    Your work situation

    You doing okay @therealjohnny ? Water under the bridge now.
  10. chris d

    Your work situation

    this story inspired me to whip out the guitar again, every cloud.
  11. chris d

    Your work situation

    hey, you're in the best place for keeping the head down, at home. and it's Friday.
  12. chris d

    Your work situation

  13. chris d

    Your work situation

    Loads of fireworks in finglas (east, if that's really a place) already.
  14. chris d

    Your work situation

  15. chris d

    Your work situation

    Mate works for an online college. Wracking up 60 hour weeks. Currently on his 9th day in a row. Poor bastard.
  16. chris d

    Your work situation

    actually it's more than that. this involves reading so im out.
  17. chris d

    Your work situation

    that was kind of my thinking of it. i don't think it is very much, like €4 a week to cover extra electricity costs?
  18. chris d

    Your work situation

    Are you lot applying for the working from home tax thing? I didn't plan to, because working from home is class now. But, Im fairly broke.
  19. chris d

    Your work situation

    Was at the end of my tether by 10am. Think something popped in my neck later on.
  20. chris d

    Your work situation

    Yeah me too for the most part. Need to readjust my thinking or it's a downward spiral.