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  • Users: La La
  • Content: Threads
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  1. La La

    Perfume thread

    the boyz have their aftershave thread so I thought we ladies could discuss puhfewm. i'm not into perfume much - i think for me once i found "my fragrance" i knew i'd never wear anything else! but i do love it and it smells so yum. Angel by Thierry Mugler...
  2. La La

    What's your chipper fare?

    in anticipation of my return to the land of tales rain, warm pubs and frost on the grass in the morning next week (whereupon i will be overcome with the urge to visit the nearest chipper and devour a veggie burger and chips drowned in vinegar with garlic mayo on the side) I would like to know...
  3. La La


    fresh, funny - great cast, nice to see scarlett in something more comedic. recommended! even if you dont like woody allen. he was fab.
  4. La La

    ye olde punke

    sorry if this has been posted before - amazingly funny
  5. La La

    animals in utero - amazing

    bleedin deadly! look at dumbo floating around like a happy little lad! there's more pics here follow the link near the top to see more...
  6. La La

    Where have you intrepid explorers been this year?

    so looking through this forum, it seems alot of the thumped population have been getting stamps in their passports all year long which i think is damn cool. so, in the year 2006, whether for work or play, where did you go? i went to: sydney macau bangkok pending i have my trip back...
  7. La La

    US midterm elections

    The Democrats have taken the House of Representatives. Senate is still up for grabs. more as and when. you had a bad day, you're takin' one...
  8. La La

    Saddam Hussein sentenced to death by hanging

    for the second time. (he escaped a prior 1950's death sentence by fleeing the country)
  9. La La

    anyone seen jacko skulking around dublin?

    last two popbitch mailouts have said he's residing in the four seasons. what are you going to say to him if you bump into him on the street?
  10. La La

    donating organs

    does anyone have a card? do you have to apply for one specially? im watching a really sad/inspiring program on discovery :o
  11. La La

    the most effective way to nap???

    i've heard the old adage that "a 20 minute power nap" is the best way to get some kip enabling you to get some rest and wake feeling somewhat refreshed. i dunno though, 20 mins never seems enough for me but if i sleep longer i end up going into a deeper sleep and waking up just as groggy...
  12. La La

    Bored in Work 228

    one-legged bike messenger while working as a courier he lost his leg saving a child from being knocked down - now he runs a successful bike courier service in NY. great short video, worth a look. amazing how he balances on his bike - he also mentions he's done the NY Marathon on crutches - 6...
  13. La La

    happy birthday damon_kind

  14. La La

    Marx Brothers Appreciation Thread

    one of my fave movies as a kid was "A Night At The Opera" their movies still make me giggle. they each had incredible comedic timing; total legends. anyway here's a clip that always set me off with laughter :)
  15. La La

    Steve Wynn hates expensive Picasso paintings he elbowed a hole in one he was planning to sell for a gatrillion dollars. Steve Wynn? Steve Loser.
  16. La La

    giving money to beggars

    i know a girl who, because she didnt want to give money to every single beggar who approached her, just used the method of giving money to every third person she'd see begging. i cant say i adopt the same approach. i tend to give whatever shrapnel i have lying around to the old people who are...
  17. La La

    family ties

    sorry guys this thread isnt about michael j fox :( my family seems to have been extremely conscientous when it comes to keeping the family tree because i was just sent a section of it by my uncle and that section alone spans 14 A3 pages :eek: it's so deadly to read over though, goes back to...
  18. La La

    Photo Challenge: Transport

    and the beloved tugboat again :o
  19. La La

    boredoms appreciation thread

    i felt they needed one. never seen em live. can only imagine it must be insane. anyway. :cool: .|..| :p
  20. La La

    Good Theatre

    i love going but rarely do. I'm going to see The Woman in Black in a few weeks which got me thinking about the theatre, and what plays people like. Of all the plays i've seen, Martin McDonagh's Beauty Queen of Leenane was .|..| .|..| .|..| I saw it in (i think) the Gaiety years ago and it...