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  1. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I've started reading Black Swan. It's interesting thus far. Pop philosophy book about unpredictability of major events.
  2. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Not a book but I read The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button last night.
  3. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I have this one called "This Is Your Brain On Music" or something like that, I picked up in a US airport. I've half-read it. It's interesting but a bit irritating. I must pick up musicophilia. I've had it recommended by at least one other Thumpeder.
  4. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    "Moorcock, moorock, michael moorcock, you fervently moan"
  5. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    It's a very short book, the usual readable Roth style. Variously comical and sad. The way he writes families is brilliant. It also seems to be a not very subtle satire on GW Bush-era America.
  6. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I liked The Road but I know what ya mean.
  7. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    The last week and a bit I've read Fastfood Nation, a much much better book than I would have thought. I recommend it to anyone interested in American culture and the like. It came out at around the same time as No Logo but I reckon it's the stronger of the two. Certain chapters cover similar...
  8. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    I am currently reading PD James' Children of Men. I saw the film and then later found the book on the shelf here at home so thought I would give it a look. The film is rather different from the book. I found it kind of depressing. It deals in depth with what a world would be like where no...
  9. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Currently reading Old Bones & Shallow Graves: The Untold Story of The Irish-American Gangster by T.J. English. It's quite interesting in parts.
  10. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    Rereading Ravelstein by Saul Bellow.
  11. Scientician 0.8

    What Book Did You Read Last Night???

    White Teeth's pretty good but it goes a bit bocketty towards the end.