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  1. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Having a 3 month old nephew in the house for Christmas. First year for my parents as grandparents and They’re loving it. He’s adorable, even when puking all over me
  2. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    might well be out. will know better on the day
  3. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Would have thought you’re grounded after last Saturday! 😂
  4. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Some of its fairly topical. The warnings about the midlands being a land of no jerbs and stuff. Yeah some great ‘doos in the bits I flicked through
  5. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Looking forward to it
  6. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    You’ve a bum hole like a fruit salad
  7. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    In Which order did you shove them up your bum?
  8. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    I should have specified ‘when being driven’
  9. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Dogs in cars never stops being entertaining
  10. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Pfffff, yous and your wives
  11. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Interesting. VERY interesting!
  12. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Three words...... ALUMINIUM GUITAR NECKS
  13. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Do you have access to the CNC machine??
  14. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    It was glorious
  15. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Winning my third poker night. €95 profit and free gargle from a happy customer earlier in on the day
  16. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    My pants fit better because I’m a lil fatter. Minor complaint: my shirts now look gross on me
  17. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    I'm delighted it's over for another year! [emoji23]
  18. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    EDIT: wrong thread
  19. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    It were not I playing in Churchtown last night sir
  20. ernesto

    Minor Pleasures

    Where in Dublin do you play?