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  1. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Trump gets to be president no matter what. You vote on which party he represents because he doesn't care himself. This has been my only opinion this election season. I'm not reading two years of posts to see if any of youz have also suggested this but if you did I agree with you.
  2. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    The military? Small arms aren't much use against drone warfare
  3. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Oh my god you are being NO FUN today! Trump won't go to prison, nothing will come of this, @chris d has the right attitude
  4. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    The Mahon Tribunal 2: Party in the USA
  5. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    BBC News - Donald Trump refuses to answer questions in New York investigation Lol This is gonna work and all. Oh shit, he didn't incriminate himself directly, we got nothing.
  6. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Fucking yesss
  7. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Lol at the idea of the US being "bound by law" to do anything except what they want, when they want, but right yeah, China does anything stupid and we get a full scale nuclear war, class.
  8. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    I look forward to becoming a Taiwan expert anyway.
  9. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Is Pelosi trying to provoke China into invading Taiwan so we can call them a bully and eradicate Taiwan with a never ending proxy war on another front or what?
  10. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    On this day, let us take a moment to consider the real victims of repealing Roe Vs. Wade, the religious right
  11. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Is this not just a massive dehumanizing of everyone in Russia, of the kind that usually happens before an invasion and mass slaughter of the inhabitants of a country?
  12. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Well your one of our Russian experts, is it true or not true that it has a middling economy, i.e. in terms of GDP? That's really what I meant. I do concede that is has tremendous power in terms of military and energy and there's a fair argument that that's 9/10 of the whole game in terms of...
  13. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    What are they purchasing though? Israel gets a massive missile defense system and the guarantee that no matter what they do to Palestine the USA will ensure there are no consequences. Russia gets, what, to troll and goad the liberal media? To keep Maddow in a job? What Russia is doing in the...
  14. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    If anything, state run media like RT (and, uh, the BBC) is a threat to a company like Fox who want everything privatized.
  15. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Why though? Why is a middling country like Russia spending so much of its cash on interfering with the USA? And apparently with great success?? I understand it on a macro level, as in you can assume that a global superpower like the USA is meddling in every Russian election, in every Irish...
  16. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Tucker is absolutely not on Putin's payroll, he's a free actor in this shit. He's like the USA version of Brendon O'Neill, but with an audience of 250 million people or something. I'm sure if you go looking you'll probably find some money coming from Putin and the Koch Brothers and the like...
  17. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    The weird Tucker Carlson/Fox News Putin defenders is the strangest wrinkle in the past 6 weeks, I kind of feel the entire global world just made a decision to ignore it as attention seeking or something. One of our better reactions. He's (Tucker) been hanging around with Orban and visiting...
  18. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Yeah, it's not an amazing book or anything, but it takes the issues we face very seriously and points towards way through them. A change from all-doom all-gloom dystopias. Worth a read!
  19. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    Oh if the Dems refuse to move beyond Reaganism then things will just continue getting slowly worse and worse for a long time imho. Things have to get peasants-in-Russia-1916 levels of bad before revolutions happen. We'll see what a failing climate does, I suppose? Once again, I'd maybe recommend...
  20. Lili Marlene

    US politics

    I cannot fucking wait. The entire Republican Party wandering around Congress like those January 6th lads, just bamboozled that they're on tv, accidentally shooting each other and slipping on banana peels, all while praising God and cutting the budget further and further.