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  1. MacDara


    Wordle 1,106 3/6 ⬛🟨🟨⬛🟨 🟨⬛🟩🟨🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  2. JohnnyRaz

    Home improvement

    Finally got a chance to sharpen up the blades and try out my grandads combination plane ‘easy to use hard to master’ sums it up
  3. N


    This trying to beat yer own personal best regularly for own personal satisfaction thing doesn't appeal to me at all. Go for a walk or cycle or swim and just enjoy it. Sometimes people from local teams comparing themselves or their mates to elite players can be funny. "I always played for my...
  4. N

    People Who Died

    I thought ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT were black.
  5. therealjohnny

    Minor Musical Observations
  6. N

    Tour de France 2007 thread

    His 40 years ago today... On Friday 29th June 1984 the Tour de France started. In 1998 Cyclesport magazine said of the 1984 Tour - "Hard to believe at 23 that Fignon's second Tour victory would be his last but such was his dominance that it must go down as one of the all time great Tour wins"...
  7. sleepy

    New music for 2024

    This looks a deadly
  8. M


    just heard an 'ad' on nova; one of the wacky morning show presenters, doing a 'we're doing this in conjunction with prepay power dot ie, to give you tips on energy conservation' style PSAs. anyway, he explains that the short cycle on your washing machine is not necessarily more energy efficient...
  9. ann post

    BBC Radio 6 Music

    I'd probably have a protocol to not tell people where all my submarines are every day at the same time. DI ALAN TURING DIE FOR NOTHING. (sorry). Anywhoo I'm sorry i missed R6 going full intern for glasto
  10. S

    BBC Radio 6 Music

    I don't fully understand it, but it's definitely a thing. Maybe they don't do it every single day, as that would be stupid. I'm probably explaining it wrong, but I'm not supposed to have good information. If I did, I wouldn't be here telling you about it. When Lizzie Windsor died there was a...
  11. ann post

    Home improvement

  12. M

    BBC Radio 6 Music

    I think they mentioned that on QI once.
  13. S

    BBC Radio 6 Music

    It's more complicated than that obviously. But my point is that it's institutionally ingrained in their staff to get this stuff spot on every time. So listening to it this morning was quite weird.
  14. N

    Tour de France 2007 thread

    2024 Tour started three minutes ago. Peloton has left Florence for Rimini.
  15. ann post

    BBC Radio 6 Music

    Russia would just nuke every one of the fuckers from orbit if that was the case
  16. egg_

    US politics

    ... actually the more I think about this the more of a genius idea I think it is. Yes he's a celebrity with no political experience, but so was Trump. Anyone know any way I can contact the democratic party and tell them?
  17. ann post

    Home improvement

    I just had a shower in a shower that i built entirely myself* *I didn't fit the electric thing myself.
  18. egg_

    US politics

    The Democrats should dump Biden and convince Bruce Springsteen to run. He'd win in a landslide
  19. egg_

    BBC Radio 6 Music

    Sounds pretty implausible to me dude. I understand radio waves don't transmit well underwater, but if they have to surface to communicate anyway then surely then can do better than tuning in to the radio?
  20. egg_

    Minor Musical Observations

    There are also plenty of "Gloria"s in the music of the Catholic church (in excelsis deo etc)