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  1. ernesto

    US politics

    They need to pull Biden immediately if they don't want trump winning
  2. ernesto

    US politics

    Florida doing something sensible WTF?!
  3. ernesto

    US politics

    those people are brain damaged
  4. ernesto

    US politics

    I was referring to our great leader and saviour DT 🤡
  5. ernesto

    US politics

    Ok. Edit: so he's ........ less likely to win?? I'm not sure what those numbers mean
  6. ernesto

    US politics

    He barely won last time and Even more people are pissed off at him / stoped supporting him since so I doubt it. But fuck if he does he’s going to start WW3
  7. ernesto

    US politics

    what a fucking stupid dose
  8. ernesto

    US politics

    The secret horns the regressive lads have for Norma 'I'm a 1950s moron' Foley
  9. ernesto

    US politics

    America is crazy
  10. ernesto

    US politics

    hopefully alot. apparently a shitload of Republicans are blaming him for them not winning more
  11. ernesto

    US politics

    You're right. Just realised I read it wrong - 40% of trump voters. I mean, if it's just one side, let them try start a civil war. A lot of those loons believe the jan 16th was their right. It's probably only an extension of that but that shot ain't gonna fly again is my guess
  12. ernesto

    US politics

    i imagine its 20% on either side..... which its probably been the last 13 years or so
  13. ernesto

    US politics

    this FBI raid just emboldens his fanbase.
  14. ernesto

    US politics

    This analogy hurt my feelings Egg_ So it is bad Dammit
  15. ernesto

    US politics

    We used our whiteness and became the cops. Maybe we were better at English? 🤷‍♂️
  16. ernesto

    US politics

    I used to love those as a kid
  17. ernesto

    US politics

    You don't .
  18. ernesto

    US politics

    are FG literally west Brits? is Drew Harris stil working for MI5? oooh juicey! (or could be bollox)
  19. ernesto

    US politics

    Anybody that uses ‘god’ in their ideology or is a ‘devout Christian’, is a nut job. Regardless of shows they host. They already believe in the invisible bread-man so anything else mad is always within grasp I think
  20. ernesto

    US politics

    So just stating the obvious then in his opinion piece.