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  1. N


    Just my own experience. I saw little bullying from kids and it made little impact. I didn't meet other kids much outside school. I mentioned "kids and teacher". It would be led by kids or possibly a different person with more experience could come in. So yeah - I agree with you. If things have...
  2. MacDara


    Wordle 1,104 4/6 ⬛⬛⬛🟩⬛ ⬛🟩🟨⬛🟨 🟩🟩⬛🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  3. ann post

    Minor complaints thread

    It was a wonderful gig. I 'treated' it a bit like a festival and had a great time.
  4. pavlos

    People Who Died

    The 4 year old has been enjoying his work in Dino Dana recently. RIP.
  5. ann post


    It's the aspiration, it's more important than the reality.
  6. rettucs

    Minor complaints thread

    you should. shaved mine during covid lockdowns. It was the most liberating thing and felt great. Just a shame it looked so shit on me.
  7. Jerry Twig

    New music for 2024

    My point is that this is the most artistically narrow sub-genre of all. I think many of the others have evolved and expanded enormously.
  8. rettucs


    there is nothing fair about sport. if having fair rules is wildly important you'd think folks would be making more of an effort to uphold the rules that currently exist.
  9. ann post

    The Thumped Motoring Forum it a Volvo with different bling, or is it 100% a different chassis, drive train and factory. Because like if you were buying a Volvo in recent years ( @Deadmanposting ) you are largely buying a ford engineered thing* *Then of course ford subbed out engine design to mitsubishi at times....
  10. ernesto

    Minor complaints thread

    Hahaha. I'd bet money that I know that person
  11. ernesto

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    it's outdated
  12. JohnnyRaz


    couldn't disagree more. there have been plenty of people physically and emotionally scarred for life by low level peer violence You said: ''lads, in my experience generally experienced much more minor level violence than girls.'' And I'm not disagreeing regarding adult bullies, or bullying...
  13. R

    Minor complaints thread

    Yeah it was great, all 3 bands killed it. It was probably the best Irish outside gig I've been to in 20 years.
  14. egg_

    Minor complaints thread

    Maybe they'd just bought them? Was it good? Mrs. egg_ said LCD were deadly
  15. ann post


    Homer Simpson Pointing and shouting nerd dot gif
  16. egg_


    Teachers pontificating about stuff makes no difference IMO - why would a random teacher know more about having a disability than a random kid would? I read some article about a sex ed programme being run in some schools (written by Patrick Freyne iirc) where kids had open classrooms...
  17. Kermit McDermott

    Minor complaints thread

    Have never shaved my head....hopefully will never have to.
  18. M

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    the wikipedia entry for polestar states they're still nearly 50% owned by volvo.
  19. ann post

    Minor complaints thread

    There was a guy at the bar at that gig almost wearing your face @ernesto , hence the missed call. People shouldn't do that at gigs.
  20. egg_


    I saw a line from a woman comedian saying something like "pick a man who went to a boys-only school - they'll just be always unbelievably grateful that you're a woman" Rang true for me 🤷