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  1. pete


    Wordle 1,098 4/6* ⬜⬜🟩⬜🟨 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  2. ann post

    Minor Pleasures

    I like how far away this one is - and the part 2 kinda bit
  3. M

    Minor complaints thread

    my very sporty 12 year old nephew has been on three different antibiotics for a chest infection and pneumonia over the last two weeks. he passed the chest infection to his brother, who has now passed it to my mother who is now on antibiotics.
  4. ann post

    Home improvement

    No response yet. I'm gonna wait out the weekend in case they are just busy or somethign and then move on with whatever the next idea is. Meanwhile i there's a beehive in part of the house now. We kinda don't mind them really - as UTM said 'they are only trying to earn a living'. I'm between...
  5. ann post

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    Clothes horse to give a proper dry signal for testing. It's a lovely guitar.
  6. ann post


    Username checks out
  7. sleepy


    Yeah, I do have trouble sleeping regularly. But one thing is just get up, watch an episode of family guy then head back to bed. Really helps instead of lying there for hours getting frustrated about not being able to sleep Also a big fan of napping where and whenever possible
  8. dudley

    DIY Guitar Messing About

    very cool
  9. ann post

    Fuck Twitter

    would it not be better to just jcb them out of it and throw in a prefab concrete one without all that costly curtvature though?
  10. ernesto

    Fuck Twitter

    Bit of self levelling compound and a few coats of floor paint wha
  11. G

    Minor complaints thread
  12. S


    It's utterly unscientific, merely a tool, but a friend recommended this to me. He had been told this by a court ordered psychiatrist after he got expelled from school and it helped him.and it has helped me immensely also. Life changing, in fact: We all know the four stages of sleep. They go in...
  13. GO

    Fuck Twitter

    they need to get them steps looked at
  14. GO

    People Who Died

  15. pete

    People Who Died

  16. Jim A. Morrish

    People Who Died

    he's a pod person now :(
  17. dudley

    Insomnia They left out Prince and Jill Hives Various famous/historical individuals have been known to sleep for 4 hours or less across human history, these include: Barack Obama. Donald Trump. Thomas Alva Edison. Mozart. Martha Stewart. Elon...
  18. dudley

    Minor complaints thread
  19. dudley

    Fuck Twitter
