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  1. ann post

    Fuck Twitter

    would it not be better to just jcb them out of it and throw in a prefab concrete one without all that costly curtvature though?
  2. ernesto

    Fuck Twitter

    Bit of self levelling compound and a few coats of floor paint wha
  3. G

    Minor complaints thread
  4. S


    It's utterly unscientific, merely a tool, but a friend recommended this to me. He had been told this by a court ordered psychiatrist after he got expelled from school and it helped him.and it has helped me immensely also. Life changing, in fact: We all know the four stages of sleep. They go in...
  5. GO

    Fuck Twitter

    they need to get them steps looked at
  6. GO

    People Who Died

  7. pete

    People Who Died

  8. Jim A. Morrish

    People Who Died

    he's a pod person now :(
  9. dudley

    Insomnia They left out Prince and Jill Hives Various famous/historical individuals have been known to sleep for 4 hours or less across human history, these include: Barack Obama. Donald Trump. Thomas Alva Edison. Mozart. Martha Stewart. Elon...
  10. dudley

    Minor complaints thread
  11. dudley

    Fuck Twitter

  12. Cormcolash

    People Who Died

  13. pavlos

    People Who Died

  14. Jill Hives

    Minor complaints thread

    A woman at work had it and I have been sick but tested negative. Still never have tested positive. 🤞🤞🤞
  15. egg_


    Well I guess I need less sleep than the 10 hours I used to get in the mid-90s, but I'm 10 years older than you iirc and I'm glum and yawning my head off all day if I get less than 7 If I only needed 5-6 hours a night there would be more than 2 Stoat albums in existence
  16. Jill Hives


    Try to sleep. Come up with ideas for stories. Talk to people in different time zones. Read. Play games. Watch films. Mostly try to sleep. Lately it’s been 4 because of the light. I’m delighted if I get six.
  17. ann post


    There was a point were i stopped calling it insomnia and just decided that i sleep about 6 hrs a night and wake up in the middle for an hour and it's way more relaxing even though it's literally the same thing but without the stresful sounding name. You need less sleep as you age, i think. I do...
  18. egg_


    4-6 hours? What do you do with all the time you're not asleep?
  19. Jill Hives


    I get 4-6 hours most nights. Then crash once a month for like 2 days.
  20. N


    I slept really badly for years, particularly 2014 and 2016. It was extremely limiting. Took hours to go to sleep, kept waking up every 20 minutes and if I was awake for 30 mins. it would take an hour+ to go back to sleep - if at all. Medication was changed in autumn 2017 and immediately...