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  1. hydromancer

    BREXIT Colossal Labour majority predicted
  2. hydromancer


    Think that is a real issue for the British Army out side of the election though. There are not too many people interested in joining.
  3. hydromancer


    So the Rwanda deal everyone is talking about apparently the UK get's to send 200 people a year there and they have to pay Rwanda 600.000 to 700.000 thousand a year to accommodate those 200. The whole idea began as some completely off the cuff remark made by Johnson in the parliament Of course...
  4. hydromancer


    Yeah it does seem like that although Poland recently went the other way getting rid of there eurosceptic party. Outside of Europe really anything could happen in the US next year. I'm kinda hoping the Americans might be influenced by the UK election if that happens first but who knows.
  5. hydromancer

  6. hydromancer


  7. hydromancer

    BREXIT There was some news recently enough about the Sunak's connection to the Mau Mau rebellion in Kenya. With maybe some figure of money being sent to Kenya under Rishis premiership a kinda crazy or at least unexpected story.
  8. hydromancer


    I suppose there are other ways to "seek a closer relationship" than full membership. The longer they are out the more difficult it would be I would imagine given them more time to diverge. I don't see it happening anytime soon allot of internal stuff might happen first like a different...
  9. hydromancer


  10. hydromancer


    Ireland should veto any attempt of the UK to rejoin the EU for the next 100 years
  11. hydromancer


    There is really no guarantee of a out right Labour Party majority in the next UK GE and Starmer is not at the level of popularity that Blair had in the 90's. Mind you neither May or Cameron could form a government without coalition. There was some suggestion that Labour might get Scottish votes...
  12. hydromancer


  13. hydromancer


    Well maybe which is a little ridiculous when you consider that the NI assembly has a joint ministerial position literally a first and second minister with SF already having being second minister for the last quarter of a century. The unionist vote seemed to be moving two ways to either a harder...
  14. hydromancer


    Well the DUP simply wont have the numbers to block this deal and I think there is far to much pressure for them not to and not just from the EU or US but from wider business and financial perspectives. Actually I think this is a real turning point in British politics to after Brexit and Johnson...
  15. hydromancer


    I see Luciana Berger has rejoined Labour
  16. hydromancer


    Well as you wrote a day or two that "Boris ousted May" I would be inclined to think that it was her deal not getting through Parliament that was her downfall.
  17. hydromancer


    “My offer to the prime minister stands. If a deal is on the table, and it delivers for the UK, Labour will back it" Which is the opposite of course to what Labour did under Corbyn when they voted against May's Brexit deal along side the ERG and DUP. A deal which might very well have passed if a...
  18. hydromancer


    Well its understandable that a new leader would try to take a party in a new direction and also understandable that they would want to clear up any previous controversy surrounding that party not least one that is detrimental to winning an election. It still seems incredible that a figure as...
  19. hydromancer


    Alao Starmer announced today that Jeremy Corbyn “will not stand as a Labour candidate at the next general election” so will have to run as an independent candidate if he wants to return to westminster next GE
  20. hydromancer
