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  1. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    Yeah 28kg of rocks or 28kg of feathers???
  2. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

  3. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

  4. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    hate it when this happens
  5. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

  6. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    i could smell my 1st-3rd year metalwork class while watching this
  7. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    that's been like that for years. the sign in the middle of the cycle lane is the bus lane sign, not the cycle lane sign.
  8. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    Thing is if he’d actually paused and checked it was safe to cross - like pedestrians do - I’d have seen him and stopped. Maybe. STILL NOT A PEDESTRIAN.
  9. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    Possibly. I was too busy driving past going WHAT THE FUCK?
  10. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    And when I say “nearly hit” I mean he nearly crashed into the side of my car. Because I didn’t stop at the pedestrian crossing, because there were no pedestrians approaching the pedestrian crossing.
  11. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    Nearly hit a grown man who decided to take a sharp left turn on the footpath and cycled across the pedestrian crossing without stopping. Pedestrian crossing, lads. For pedestrians. The clue is in the name. Pedestrian.
  12. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    unfortunately I'd rather spend 45 minutes in my car than 34 minutes on the bus
  13. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

  14. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    or you could not cycle so close to the car in front of you JUST SAYING
  15. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    Can’t be sure but looks like bicycle wheels?
  16. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

  17. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    old, but still....
  18. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

  19. pete

    Jaysus cycling!

    I’m sure it’ll be vigorously enforced.
  20. pete

    Jaysus cycling!