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  1. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    I have it from a very reliable source that the govt policy rn is to make Ireland no more nor less attractive than other EU countries to asylum seekers. ATM they feel like we're more attractive, so they're adjusting. Two examples of people ending up here at the end of a chaotic random journey...
  2. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    I guess having been with Mrs. egg_ for 30+ years this is so wildly outside my personal experience that I haven't the faintest idea of what the possible outcomes would be
  3. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    A very risky thing to introduce into a marriage, I'd guess
  4. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    I had to google ENM. Heh wow. Do real people really do this? Or just Californians?
  5. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read
  6. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    As @ann post says I'd guess the writer is assuming you know her previous work, and her own former ideology (whatever that was) is what she's talking about
  7. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read
  8. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    Is there some concrete action that someplace like Ireland can actually take? Serious question.
  9. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    Did you read that all the way through? Reminds me of a DEI talk I attended in work, where we were informed that racism was invented by the pope in the middle ages
  10. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    Sorry, I can only read it on Mrs. egg_'s phone
  11. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    You need a subscription to read it, but this made me actual lol
  12. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    What on earth is the point of apologising for what someone else did?
  13. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    A journey into the shaken baby syndrome/abusive head trauma controversy - Fifteen Eighty Four | Cambridge University Press tl;dr - a particular type of brain hemorrhage is associated with "shaken baby syndrome", but it can also be caused by "minor household falls ... genetic conditions...
  14. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    Haha my kids talk about this kind of shit on tiktok - someone posts a picture of a drawing/painting they did saying "it took me 20 hours to do this and I have only 2 likes boo hoo poor me". They don't have much time for it (possibly cos they've spent their lives watching me spend countless hours...
  15. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read
  16. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    I can relate to the article. I do lots of things because they're good for me or my family rather than because I like doing them (e.g. exercise, cleaning the house, working). Some things that I really enjoyed in my youth I hardly ever get to do now, because I'm older and I have responsibilities...
  17. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    That's still how lots of teachers roll. History in school is bascially about becoming familiar with the foundational myths of one's culture. Very little to do with history as its practised by historians
  18. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    What? Don Quixote is a fictional character from a novel written in the early 1600s - how the fuck could someone bear a striking resemblance to him???
  19. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read
  20. egg_

    Miscellaneous Articles You Should Read

    Still though. It's kinda mad. Have you tried to get it to tell you about yourself?