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  1. M

    Minor complaints thread

    under what grounds would it be banned? you'd be able to place most beauty products in the same bucket.
  2. JohnnyRaz


    I'm in.
  3. ann post

    The Thumped Motoring Forum

    Just had a chance to run the diagnostics on it (after driving it for about 4 hours last night). no faults at all. All in 77eu spent on parts about 40 on an entry level socket set which i should have bought before i started - though I'm on the fence wether tools count in this case - kinda a...
  4. therealjohnny

    European and local elections 2024

  5. Unicron

    European and local elections 2024

    I'd say she'll be eliminated before my vote comes close to dropping to her. She's not a nazi cosplayer anyway so she's getting something and Barrett isn't getting anything.
  6. egg_

    European and local elections 2024

    Far more likely to be useless than harmful, I'd say. Very unlikely to be any good
  7. Unicron

    European and local elections 2024

    Voted at lunch. I think I went down to 15 on my euro. May have inadvertently voted for dickheads, I dunno to keep out the certain dickheads. That songwriter from Cavan, how bad can she be?? Unless she's an Eco fascist. Or the other Waters guy, he's a doctor and from close to the parish.
  8. Deadmanposting

    Minor complaints thread

    Isn't that exactly what booze does though?
  9. N

    European and local elections 2024

    Only 8 people are running for four seats in our council area. Basically three young SF, Green, Labour folks first. FF + FG next. 'Team Lowry' duo last. 23 people running in Ireland South. None of top 4 leftists I picked have a hope of getting elected. Wallace, SF duo, Green MEP next. Then two...
  10. Deadmanposting

    Comments on Youtube

    Basically my brain during a marathon "No, I won't let you be happy, why should I?"
  11. egg_

    Minor complaints thread

    Pretty much everything is allowed until someone complains. If you don't like something then try and figure out if it contravenes the advertising code and complain if it does Here's the advertising code I once got an ad...
  12. JohnnyRaz


    ''free the 'coolock says no' 8!''
  13. ernesto


    Oh cool they can be deemed actual terrorists now and not protesters. Easier to deal with them in a heavier sense
  14. Denny Oubidoux


    Edit: I've had second thoughts about sharing this
  15. S

    Minor complaints thread

    This knobhead just showed up a week early for a job. Only realised after I'd passive-aggressively went searching for contact details etc, so now everyone knows I messed up. I had a financial goal for the week, it's meaningless but it's just a number I wanted to hit. Recalculating for today, I...
  16. Jill Hives


    Now the Happy Mondays are in my head. Wordle 1,084 3/6 ⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟩🟩🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  17. rettucs


    nah when I was working there it was the drugs gangs annoying each other.
  18. rettucs

    Happy Birthday, jonah

    happy birthday Jonesey
  19. Deadmanposting

    Happy Birthday, jonah

    Thumped Legend
  20. Cormcolash

    European and local elections 2024

    You'll have to wait until The Irish Seinfeld is over