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  1. pete

    Quotes from your child

    I always appreciated that the tooth fairy in Peppa Pig was basically just a tiny version of Mummy Pig, with fairy wings.
  2. pete

    Quotes from your child

    the 9yo on whether he should have the last bagel or leave it for his big sister - "She can have it. I just can't be arsed dealing with her."
  3. pete

    Quotes from your child

    I only discovered this last week.
  4. pete

    Quotes from your child

    I miss those days. Now the gibberish is centred on Love Island.
  5. pete

    Quotes from your child

    child #1 "your shoes look like something grandad wears" child #2 "what are those lines on your forehead?" THANKS KIDS
  6. pete

    Quotes from your child

    Funko Pop vinyl figures?
  7. pete

    Quotes from your child

    "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" He's 8. I was so surprised/proud I can't even remember what I said that he was responding to.
  8. pete

    Quotes from your child
  9. pete

    Quotes from your child

    "the cops ruin everything" (while watching a youtube video of "a car made from lego" being pulled over.
  10. pete

    Quotes from your child

    "What's the pope?"
  11. pete

    Quotes from your child

    "Why are all the good guys in The Black Panther brown?"
  12. pete

    Quotes from your child

    “Nothing matters when you’re dead. So nothing matters.”
  13. pete

    Quotes from your child

    “Logan Paul was banned from YouTube because he laughed at a dead body” He’s FIVE.
  14. pete

    Quotes from your child

    Bringing the boy to swimming this morning “What’s that?” “What?” “The song on the radio” “That’s ‘Becoming a Jackal’. Do you like it?” “”No... I HATE it. It sounds like an IDIOT is singing it.”
  15. pete

    Quotes from your child

  16. pete

    Quotes from your child

    "EVERYTHING IS SO UNFAIR" - 9 year old teenager
  17. pete

    Quotes from your child

    Fucked if i know where.
  18. pete

    Quotes from your child

    The 4 year old, sitting on the floor in his granny's house, right after BBC News covered the Colombian mud slide story & darcus howe's death was announced. "Ahh FUCK why do they have to keep telling us all this bad stuff?"
  19. pete

    Quotes from your child

    he just corrected me on the difference between a pentagon and a hexagon. I may be out of my depth here.
  20. pete

    Quotes from your child

    The 3 year old: "Daddy is a dumb ask. A. Dumb. Ask."