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  • Users: Unicron
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Unicron

    Speed in an internal ethernet network

    I recently had gigabit fibre installed where I live and work. At the point in my office where the cable enters the property when I'm directly connected to the modem supplied via ethernet cable I am getting good speed. I have also extended the network, running 2 lines of CAT5 from the modem to...
  2. Unicron

    Referendums 24, a woman's place is wherever she wants it to be?

    I haven't engaged much with these. On the face of them they appear to be a bit of constitutional housework to tidy up some regressive language in the constitution. I've heard that some of the nutters are opposing them, I've also heard that some disabled people and disability advocates are...
  3. Unicron

    The Azerbaijani *something* of Nagorno Karabakh

    I can't pretend to remotely know anything about the plight of ethnic Armenians (or Armenian nationals) in Azerbaijan beyond how the issue impacts football (the 2 countries are one of those special cases where the nations can't be drawn against each other in UEFA or FIFA qualifying, when Arsenal...
  4. Unicron

    The career renaissance I don't get thread

    Brendan Fraser. I understand that he went through some awful shit, and is supposed to be rather good in The Whale and that's brilliant but the lighthouse are having a season of his 90's stuff at the moment. I remember seeing most of those films on video at the time and there's not one of them...
  5. Unicron

    People who are in court for being a wrong 'un thread

    Haven't been paying too much attention to what's going on in the SCC but it does seem odd that Hutch would have been there pulling the trigger as yer man alleges. Seems below his pay grade. Unless he thought they'd get Kinahan and he wanted the "glory" of that.
  6. Unicron

    Stupidly good accordion playing.

  7. Unicron

    Fuck Mastodon

    This is peoples' chance to get off social media, not jump to a new one.
  8. Unicron

    Would anyone like to buy a bass guitar?

    I don't have one to sell but I'm curious if anyone thinks it'd be a good thing for them to own. I already know Moose's answer.
  9. Unicron

    Angel Olsen - Big Time

    This is really, really good folks. I've listened to it 4 times since Friday. Been ages since a new album grabbed me like this.
  10. Unicron

    People who are currently suing each other

    The Heard Depp thing is too dark and depressing and horrible. However the Vardy-Rooney thing, I hate myself for being sucked into it. We've already had discussion in court about the size of Peter Andre and then this morning ...
  11. Unicron

    Getting google to find a new website

    I put up a website for herself a couple of weeks ago so that she can sell her paintings etc. When I google her name the site doesn't come back on google results. If I just google her name her instagram, which was her main internet presence prior to this, comes up first result. Has google just...
  12. Unicron

    Looking to move business hosting

    We're looking at moving on from our present web hosting/e-mail server provider. Can anyone recommend a good solution for this. We'd want to port over all our old e-mail accounts and mail to the new host if that's a factor that's going to be tricky. Any thoughts, Cheers
  13. Unicron

    Where to buy a laptop for work

    ???? Just want something reliable that I can do e-mail/web browsing/officey stuff. A decent sized screen wouldn't go amiss. Thanks nerds.
  14. Unicron


    GF gave me a thing on audible for Christmas and I've been listening to it when out walking the dog. Not the same as reading obviously but it's its own thing and I imagine that certain types of book are better suited to the format than others. Anyone listen to them regularly? What sort of...
  15. Unicron

    Any Yokes?

    Thinking of finally getting a tablet in the sales at the end of the month. Anyone able to offer advise on what's good/what I might need. Would probably prefer android as I'm familiar with the platform. Basically I just want to do the stuff on it that I do on my phone at home; browsing, as a...
  16. Unicron

    Notes on the coming AI-pocalypse
  17. Unicron

    David Keenan

    Can we use this thread to shit talk David Keenan as well? Because Jesus Christ, that guy.
  18. Unicron

    What gig(s) are you going to this week?

    @Anthony suggested a WGAYGTtonight in the "... last night" thread as he correctly pointed out that a lot of the stuff mentioned in there sounds awesome but that might be a little short notice for people to be able to make arrangements for so perhaps a thread what looks a little further forward...
  19. Unicron

    Things support acts say in their heads

    Shut the fuck up you pack of noisy cunts
  20. Unicron

    It's the Enda Kenny

    Resigning the FG leadership at midnight