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  1. Unicron

    Restaurant Recommendations

    Lot of restaurant closing now that some of the tax holidays that were offered over the covid period are falling due. Part of me wouldn't be surprised if a place called Stoken reopens in it's place.
  2. Reets

    Restaurant Recommendations

    Tokens burgers and mozzarella sticks were amazing but the drinks were overpriced, and the games were broken or has stupidly long queues. I'm amazed it reopened after covid and lasted this long.
  3. pete

    Major Complaints Thread

    I’ve heard of one case of a charity donation page being hammered with thousands of fraudulent small transactions. No minimum transaction and no goods to be shipped makes it a good way to validate stolen cards.
  4. Jerry Twig


    BS Wordle 1,067 5/6* ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 ⬛🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
  5. S

    london logistics

    Need to know where you're going in London really. I would say it's v unlikely in any case.
  6. GPThumped

    london logistics

    Making it on time to your meeting will be highly dependent on the location of your meeting in London and the variability of factors such as the efficiency of airport customs, traffic levels, and mode of transport chosen. Given that you land at 8 am, it might be slightly tight but it's definitely...
  7. JohnnyRaz

    london logistics

    Have to go to london for a 1 day meeting in june. Would rather avoid staying over. Despite being relatively well travelled, I am nearly ignorant of how best to get around london. so my question.. meeting starts 930ish..I can get a flight that will land in Heathrow at 8. what's the likely...
  8. N

    Major Complaints Thread

    First time order to Munster Records in Spain. No problems. Also first time donation to Irish charity. I had problems with my phone a few weeks ago. App had to be reinstalled. I phoned call centre and during call the guy said he was not getting my request for activation code. App still not...
  9. Unicron

    Major Complaints Thread

    Was this the first time you'd donated to the charity and was it a repeat order from the record shop?
  10. N

    Major Complaints Thread

    Why always with charities and very rarely otherwise in my experience? Any idea? EDIT: I will say it again. BOI app is a load of crap - just a hindrance.
  11. egg_

    Major Complaints Thread

    When I was working with online payments it was always the website rather than visa themselves that'd enforce stuff like this
  12. M

    Jaysus cycling!

    will see if this preserves the time stamp...
  13. ernesto

    European and local elections 2024

    Way too many candidates for a panel. Constantly talking over each other. Stuck about 5 mins of it. Any more would make me want to wander into traffic
  14. M

    Restaurant Recommendations

    token have announced they're closing next month.
  15. dudley

    European and local elections 2024

  16. N

    Major Complaints Thread

    More debit card updates: Tried to donate a meager €15 to charity and Visa insisted that I had to approve it through the BoI app. I spent over a hundred Euros on records two days ago and app didn't intervene. But without fail they ask every time I donate to charity. The only helpful reason I can...
  17. Kermit McDermott

    European and local elections 2024

    Casey's blatant opportunistic bullshit really annoys me.
  18. Unicron

    European and local elections 2024

    Saw a clip of him talking over McHugh on her time and her telling him to pipe down basically.
  19. JohnnyRaz

    European and local elections 2024

    Had a handful of local election/ep’s a bad time when aontu was the most reasonable sounding of the lot.
  20. ann post

    European and local elections 2024

    I don't think it was great or anything - There should have been a lab/socdem in there because it'd have been a closer representation of the european parliament that is currently in place rather than a representation of who we have there at the minute. I thought Luke Ming came across well...