Unicron's latest activity

  • Unicron
    Unicron reacted to nuke terrorist's post in the thread Your Health Is Your Wealth with
    Only took just over 2 months to get appointment with the probers. This was suggested by doctor several years ago before my Dad got ill...
  • Unicron
    Unicron replied to the thread Your Health Is Your Wealth.
    This seems like it's in the general field of "good foods for gut health." The ol' microbiome is a lot more powerful than we realise...
  • Unicron
    Unicron replied to the thread Minor Pleasures.
    Best of luck with it. We had our notification of intent meeting last Thrusday and got the all clear to go ahead, She says I can have...
  • Unicron
    Unicron replied to the thread Your work situation.
    Entrance exam for the solictor's school for people who don't have law degrees.
  • Unicron
    Unicron replied to the thread Your work situation.
    Really hating the gig at the minute. Feel like I'm reaching an age where it's piss or get off the pot time WRT a big jump. Thinking of...
  • Unicron
    Unicron replied to the thread General Election 2025.
    Labour more of a toxic brand though? SD's of the perceived as centre left "we appeal to the guilty middle classes cohort" parties have...
  • Unicron
    Unicron replied to the thread General Election 2025.
    They'd be stupid if they did that I think. Murphy is my TD, I vote for her but that doesn't mean I'd vote for who they put up after her
  • Unicron
    Unicron replied to the thread US politics.
    For "bad" possibly insert "white" or "non-intersectional."
  • Unicron
    Nor I. I had no interest in football at the time so I feel like I missed a major cultural landmark in my lifetime in this country...
  • Unicron
    Unicron reacted to sleepy's post in the thread Ireland with
    Have to admit, I’ve never had any interest in sport. It’s almost like I grew up with that part of my brain missing. Was always way more...
  • Unicron
    Unicron reacted to Cormcolash's post in the thread 2020-21 Football thread with
    weh weh weh
    LOL or maybe not
  • Unicron
    Unicron reacted to egg_'s post in the thread Major Complaints Thread with
    I have covid, and am too under the weather to go to LCD Soundsystem (and IDLES and Young Fathers) tomorrow Last week me and Mrs. egg_...
  • Unicron
    Unicron reacted to dudley's post in the thread Major Complaints Thread with
    Got me customs notice this morning, only wanted 4 quid. Not too bad
  • Unicron
    Unicron reacted to ernesto's post in the thread Major Complaints Thread with
    Expensive custom aluminium neck guitar that I only got a few months ago has loads of cracks appear the last few weeks. It started with...
  • Unicron
    Unicron reacted to rettucs's post in the thread Tour de France 2007 thread with
    taxman caught up with him. Just seeing what info I can find but not much coming out yet. he really is a piece of shit.